by R. C. Danon | Nov 15, 2017 | Brokennews
Violence comes in different sizes, shapes and methods. And the pain for all continues…
I’ve always been an emotional person. And I find as I get older, even more so. Friends have told me they have experienced this as well. Over the years, I’ve found that beautiful music, beautiful or touching words, and especially sadness seem to tear at my heart more and more. As an avid movie-goer, crying has often been part of that experience. I still cry on occasion for my dog CHARLIE who I had to put down almost ten years ago. And then, there are the all too often acts of violence and terrorism that rock cities all over the world.
Since 9/11, more and more people have been moved by the numerous, terrorist-related events which seem to now make the news on an almost weekly basis. Here in Chicago, the gang-related gun violence takes a toll every week. As of this date in Chicago, 566 people of all ages have been shot and killed, and 2682 have been shot and wounded. Read more here. What recently took place in Las Vegas and at a Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, takes it all to a new, frightening and disgusting level of gun violence. Add in the weather-related disasters in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, where there’s been a loss of life and home and the loss of the ability to make a living, at least for the time being … there seems to be sadness everywhere.
Each morning when I wake up, I turn on the television, and after checking the local news and weather, I move on to CNN. On many mornings during the past several months I’ve had tears in my eyes listening to the various survivor interviews from these life-altering events. In both Vegas and Texas there were stories of spouses, parents, friends and even strangers, laying over one another for protection, many of whom were wounded or killed. In Vegas, strangers were protecting and helping others escape, often loading wounded victims into cabs, cars or pickups, in an effort to get them to the hospital, while risking their own lives.

Jonathan Smith after the Vegas Massacre. (
The Las Vegas massacre… How could anyone have done more?
One evening not long after the Oct.1st Las Vegas shootings, Erin Burnett of CNN did an interview with Jonathan Smith, a young man of 30, who kept going back to save some 30 people, none of whom he knew. Even when he too was wounded twice, with one bullet going into his neck, he continued to try and help, until he couldn’t. Fortunately, an off duty police officer came to Jonathan’s rescue, by placing two fingers in his neck wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding. Jonathan Smith is for sure a hero, although he says not.
There were many heroes that night in Vegas at the Jason Aldean concert, not far from the Mandalay Bay Hotel. And there was one coward … A coward of horrific proportion and purpose who eventually took his own life rather than face the consequences; likewise, at the shooting at the Baptist Church, in Texas last week. Those two incidents will add to the NRA gun debate. Which I won’t go into that now, even as we approach the 5th Anniversary of the murders at the Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT, with so little being done.
The bottom line…
This week’s blog is about feeling. Its about emotion. It’s about the tragedy of violence, loss, pain and heartache … And it’s about the on-going injustice I see in our country when the truly guilty take advantage of our system and our way of life. So often… no make that too often, those truly guilty of committing murder are being kept alive at the expense of good citizens who obey the law. It leads me to tell you that in some, but not all instances of violence resulting in death, I am not embarrassed to say: I favor capital punishment. Again, “in some instances, I favor capital punishment.” This is a topic I hope will draw questions and answers from others. It is open for debate. And as a life long Liberal I am very comfortable in my opinion.
All the pain and heartache I heard and saw in the faces of those telling their stories about the shootings mentioned above take a toll on most who viewed and or read these accounts. But there is one particular story I read a week ago, which most have not heard of, that really got to me. There were no guns or knives, no bombs, no cars or trucks running people over.
It was the story of the death of a six-year old boy who was allegedly starved to death by his parents. When he died, he weighed 17 pounds. 17 pounds!! The average adult human head weighs between 8-12 pounds. A bowling ball weighs 15 pounds. A medium bag of dog food weighs 15 pounds. And this poor child died weighing 17 pounds…
Capital punishment? You bet, and not 10, 15, or 20 years down the road. Next week would work for me.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here.
Got something to say? Make that call and let your voice be heard…
The Congressional Switchboard: Call your Representative or Senator- 202-224-3121
by R. C. Danon | Sep 5, 2017 | Brokennews

That CHARLIE was one great dog…
Dear Subscriber, On September 06, 2017 I had rather major shoulder surgery, and decided to take a little time off. I will begin posting again no later that 11/13/2017. In the meantime, the Post below, It can hurt forever… went on-line this past September 5th. I apologize for not getting it out to you. You might double-check previous blogs as well, just to make sure You haven’t missed any of them during August. Thank you for hanging in there with me and I will do my best to again post weekly. It’s not as if there isn’t a lot to say… Thank you for your interest and your trust…, bob
The heartbreak of losing a pet…
Nine years ago this past July, I had to put my dog Charlie down. I am not embarrassed to tell you that I still cry. As many know, there are losses that can hurt forever. Knowing I was going to have to put him to rest, I wrote the letter which now appears below in this blog, several days before saying goodbye… I sent it out to over 1500-1800 people who knew of Charlie, because I named a coffee house after him, which stood next door to my art gallery in Wilmette, Illinois. CHARLIE’S COFFEE HOUSE was a pretty cool place, as was the warm and loving canine it was named after. The several hundred notes of condolence which followed my loss were in themselves often heartbreaking, as my friends and customers wrote of their losses over the years. So many beloved animals, friends and tears.
As I have been watching the tragedy unfold in and around Houston, Texas, it reminded me of the millions and millions of lives changed forever — Hurricanes Sandy, Katrina, now Harvey and maybe Irma. That is not to discount equally horrific events such as wildfires, earthquakes, and certainly wars around the world. The loss of life, property and one’s existence is beyond comprehension.
Fortunately, there are local and distant animal shelters doing as much and maybe even more than expected to keep as many of these displaced animals safe, with the goal to reunite them with their owners, hopefully in the not-too-distant future. And although dogs and cats seem to be getting the most attention, be assured that cattle and horses as well as other farm and ranch animals are being rescued when and where possible.
I’ve had to send my Charlie-letter out 10-12 times over the last several months, as friends, customers and acquaintances have said their goodbyes. Now I would like to share it with anyone whose heart is breaking, but especially those in Texas, and possibly Louisiana.
Some of the Hurricane Harvey families will experience a permanent loss, while many others will eventually find their loving animals, alive and well. Those who might lose their loving pets forever might find solace in the fact that there is a chance your pet is in a shelter or another loving home. Whatever the case, please take heart in the words that follow. For we have loved, and been loved, and we will have the memory forever. And so it goes…
“There’s only one great dog…”
So says Mary Ludington in her book, The Nature of Dogs.
Dear Texans,Charlie — Charles Chandler Rodman Danon — was born February 19, 1996, and put to rest, July 29, 2008. I wanted to name him Charlie, or Chandler, in memory of a great friend. My daughter Kate wanted to name him Rodman, after you know whom. I went with Charlie.
Most of us who are dog lovers totally get it — these great, tail-wagging creatures are our one true loyal, all loving companion, totally devoted, with unconditional love. Charlie was true to all of those qualities, always and forever.
Charlie was a gift for my daughter Kate when she was in 8th grade, but I knew then, and I always knew, he was “my dog.” He loved Kate dearly and the Reiter family and their dog “Bob,” and the Hannas and their dog Desi. Oh how he loved them.
I used to tell people who stopped by my art and frame gallery in Wilmette, that Charlie was “the hardest working dog in Wilmette.” I would say that, as Charlie lounged in his blue canvass chair, reaching out with his paw to “high-five.” He often walked around the customer or friend who stopped in to say hello, circling, purposely bumping into their legs, looking to be petted. Back then Charlie was a world-class schmoozer. He worked the customers and their children like no other…
After I opened CHARLIE’S COFFEE HOUSE (named for “you know whom”), next door to my gallery, Charlie would on occasion, sneak in for a little schmoozing. Village ordinances didn’t allow dogs in “restaurants,” but what the hell. Charlie would work his friends on both sides of the wall, and work them well. Quite possibly, Charlie’s single greatest moment at CHARLIE’S was the last time Tom Dundee sang there, back in 2005-06. From the gallery next door, Charlie howled two verses of City of New Orleans, with Tom. Now that I think about it, it may have also been one of Tom’s greatest moments.
At the end of every performance, Charlie had a way of sneaking into CHARLIE’S, as the musicians walked past him, as they returned to the gallery and their guitar cases. Charlie would strut around the room, schmoozing and sniffing for snacks, which fell to the floor. It was so funny; when my friends were in the room, Charlie knew it, and he would seek them out. God how that dog could work a room. What the hell!
Sadly, now your loving pet may have joined the pack. And if so, you can be assured that Charlie, Desi, George and Reebok, and all those other “great dogs,” will welcome them with a smiling bark, an open heart and the knowledge that they could not have been loved any more than they were by you… That was one beautiful, sweet and lucky friend.
How fortunate we all have been…, Bob
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
by R. C. Danon | Aug 19, 2017 | Brokennews

Paramount Theater Charlottesville, VA. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
The guy just doesn’t get it… A number of politicians, journalists, and political strategists in the news, mentioned their surprise that President Trump “blew it,” with his words on Saturday (08/12/17) when he placed blame on the “many sides,” who were involved in the violence in Charlottesville. Monday (08/14/2017), when after two days of very harsh criticism from all corners, and clearly some coaching, the President finally readdressed the shocking Charlottesville, Virginia demonstrations over the weekend, he did place more direct blame on the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and White supremacists.
Most who heard the President’s words on Saturday and then again Monday thought “too little too late.” They weren’t exactly buying into his Monday clarification… partly because his message was delivered only after he hyped his business success, partly because many thought he wasn’t sincere, and partly because the President so often seems to not truly understand or feel the words he is reading off the TelePrompTer.
Then came Tuesday’s mini-press conference in the lobby of Trump Tower… Unbelievable! Not really, not anymore. With Mr. Trump, what you see is exactly what you get. Unfortunately, there seems to be a great number of those who voted for him who will always be Trump supporters. I’ve said it many times before and I will continue to say it… Our President is an idiot. He just doesn’t get it. He neither understands nor cares about the issues, nor about people in general. So who is this pretend President? Who is this out-of-control jerk? Who is he really? At times, over these last few days, it almost seems like Donald Trump is pimping for the Nazis. He is a disgrace to the United States of America, both in action and words.

Heather Heyer (Facebook)
The bottom line… As I finish writing this soon-to-be-posted blog, the memorial service for Heather Heyer is playing on television. Heather was the young woman run down by a Nazi behind the wheel of the weapon known as a car, the weapon of a terrorist and a coward. There were many in the view of the target, of this Nazi bastard, and many were hurt, some seriously… only Heather was killed. And from what I have seen, read and heard, this young, caring, giving woman was the last person anyone would ever want to harm. At her memorial service, her mother said- “They tried to kill her to shut her up… well guess what? They just magnified her.” The applause was resounding. Her legacy will live on forever… and if nothing else, as sad as it might be, we are all fortunate for that.
I have a 35-year-old-daughter. I cannot imagine losing her under any circumstances, let alone to violence. When I hear the stories of what a wonderful young girl and young woman Heather Heyer was, it brings tears to my eyes. I’m sure the strength it takes for her parents to be interviewed or speak to the press, or at her memorial service, comes from the strength they saw in her. In some instances they are hearing stories for the first time, of Heather’s greatness as a caring human being, now being told by those friends who knew her for years, at play, at work, in life. God bless Heather Heyer, her family, her friends, and all who believe in a better world.
I will close today with President Obama’s tweet of August 12, 2017. It was his response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. It is reportedly “the most liked tweet ever,” which I’m sure will bug the hell out of Trump. The quote in the President’s tweet comes from Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom. The photo Obama used in his tweet is of himself smiling at several very young children of different races, in a window. ”No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
One of the first NewWerds to be posted in The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary was BanBannon – Get rid of the crazy white guy! He’s the POTUS ventriloquist and he is really dangerous. And now, at last, BannonBgone…
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here__
Got something to say? Make that call and let your voice be heard…
The Congressional Switchboard: Call your Representative or Senator- 202-224-3121
by R. C. Danon | Aug 13, 2017 | Brokennews

I never lie…
Another couple of weeks from hell is quickly turning into the year from hell…
Not all of it is about Mr. Trump but so much is… The Trump Doctrine seems to revolve around deceit, misrepresentation, bullying, bragging, misogyny, an apparent total lack of interest in anything that isn’t about himself, an unwillingness to familiarize himself with the Non-Trump-issues-of the day, and the endless, lying by him and his talking heads.
Our President is a chronic liar… I can’t help but wonder when all the lying will stop, and when members of Team Trump’s BS squad will walk away because they’ve had enough. To name only a few on that team: One must start with (knowingly or not) Vice-President Pence, followed by Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer (who resigned for any number of reasons), his replacement Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and multiple others in the White House. They lie for the boss, and they know they’re lying. How could they not?
Please believe me, I take no pride in the statement “our President is a chronic liar.” In many ways, it hurts to say it. And I, like you, want better for our country, and certainly better from our President, who apparently believes being a * LieOnopolis will divert our attention from the real issues of the day… Tweet, twit, twat, that’s our Prez…
Then there are those too-often seen or heard lying, Trump supporters, regularly pitching their Trump BS on the television news shows. Jason Miller, Jack Kingston, and Jeffery Lord stand out the most to me. Jeffery Lord was fired last week by CNN for sending out a tweet to a Liberal activist that had the Nazi salute, “Seig Heil” in it. Personally, I’m going to miss Jeffery. He was one of Trump’s top liars, forever making a fool of himself with endless lies and embellishments, which only solidified what a lying, ignorant buffoon Mr. Trump is.
They seem to have no conscience or remorse for the very obvious lies they spew forth on Mr. Trump’s behalf. And when cornered, they always seem to talk away from the lies, and start bringing up Hillary and Bill stories, which are totally irrelevant at this time. The election is over!
North Korea…
Now Mr. Trump didn’t create the problems in North Korea. Those issues have been on-going for 72 years – So the question is, when will that fella in North Korea understand that making threats, or starting a war, with or without nukes, will only mean his demise? And if he decides to fire off a nuke or two or more, he will most likely seek to exist. His country and most of his people will cease to exist, and they certainly deserve better than he and his predecessors have allowed.
North Korea desperately needs and deserves cooperative help from China, Japan, Australia, the United States, Russia, India and any number of other caring countries who are willing to reach out, all in an effort to help save a population of millions of starving, cheated “Koreans,” most of whom have no idea there is a vibrant and willing-to-help world beyond their borders. China must lead the way by enforcing the recent, unanimous, UN sanctions against the North. We shall see.
Who does care about decent and affordable care?
The GOP had seven years to tweak, repair, and make the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a., Obamacare) better. Endless, unsuccessful, attempts to repeal went nowhere and when push came to shove, McConnell and his cronies offered little of substance. Those responsible should be embarrassed and ashamed for wasting time and dollars. It’s about taking care of US citizens, and not just getting re-elected. And Mr. Trump seems to be more bothered by the name “Obamacare” than what it is meant to provide, even after it is repaired. Another example of a true lack of understanding vs. something being named after a predecessor.
There are many countries in this world who take far better care of their citizens than the United States does. It’s about time, the good old, U. S. Of A., figured it out, stopped insurance companies from ripping us off, and created affordable health care for all US citizens. I strongly suspect it won’t happen in my lifetime, if it happens at all.
The bottom line…
That week(s) from hell will continue to repeat itself until Trump is out of office. He has no business being involved in matters he neither understands nor respects. The fact that our President is a chronic liar only jeopardizes every issue he or his lying surrogates address…which seems to be almost every, single, issue. North Korea may force our hands with regard to defense. Our only saving grace might be the Generals and the very few true statesman on the Trump Team. Mr. Trump surely can’t be trusted… He understands so little. In addition, we must consider the apparent mistrust and failing belief our allies have in the United States. As for Affordable care, there are no excuses. Our elected officials at all levels need to get it done or get the hell out of town.
It frightens me to wonder what next week might bring…
Monday, 08/14/2017 add-on- Next week is here and the topic is Charlottesville, Virginia. Let’s start with “Dump Trump,” and see what all we can improve on after that. By way of the 25th Amendment, it will take two-thirds of both houses of Congress, and it won’t be easy… but it needs to be done, and soon. It’s time the Republicans and the Democrats united as one and got rid of this ignorant, self-centered bum. Those who voted for Trump and change, are getting far more than they anticipated and our country should be embarrassed… Enough already!
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.

This week’s NeWerd is… * LieOnopolis… An orange maned, king-of-the-jungle-wannabe, who apparently believes he wears a crown and can become a dictator like his buddy in Russia. Trust me, it ain’t gonna happen.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here__
Got something to say? Make that call and let your voice be heard…
The Congressional Switchboard: Call your Representative or Senator- 202-224-3121
by R. C. Danon | Jul 23, 2017 | Brokennews
So here’s the joke – A guy named Trump walks into the White House…
A. A bad joke?
B. A sick joke?
C. A stupid joke?
D. A disgusting joke?
E. A joke most will regret?
F. All of the above?
Answer: F., And for sure, a whole lot of A.
It’s about control, power and being a thug…
It seems that Mr. Trump really gets off on pushing people around. He is considered by many to be a liar of the highest order. What made that so easy for him? Up until he was elected as POTUS 45, he was accountable to no one. And now he struggles greatly because he is accountable to the United States of America… That would be you and me. But he doesn’t get it and fights it every day. Mr. Trump thinks everything is about him, and only him.
He treats few with respect, and many with contempt. He seems to be totally intimidated by women. The men he seems to rely on the most are- “Bullies goons and thugs…” Click here:
Michael Cohen — “If somebody does something Mr. Trump doesn’t like, I do everything in my power to resolve it to Mr. Trump’s benefit,” Cohen, 48, said in a 2011 ABC News interview. “If you do something wrong, I’m going to come at you, grab you by the neck, and I’m not going to let you go until I’m finished.” (New York Daily News- 07/29/2015) Typical Michael Cohen. And then there is the infamous “You can’t rape your wife”) statement:
Marc Kasiwitz, a high level personal attorney of Donald Trump’s was going to help POTUS 45 with the Russia Case, but he only lasted a few weeks. I’m not exactly sure why…Maybe because of statements like- “Watch your back bitch…”
John Dowd, a so-called “prominent Washington criminal lawyer,” is the Kasiwitz replacement. Dowd took over on 07-21-17, although Kasiwitz will apparently remain as some sort of advisor. Mr. Dowd is known to be a bit hot-tempered, and that should serve him well if he’s working at the White House. By the way, Dowd’s legal expertise is in representing those accused of white collar crimes. That should serve the Trump Team well… Pardon me! Pardon who…?
Roger Stone has been referred to in media variously as a “political dirty trickster,” a “renowned infighter,” a “seasoned practitioner of hard-edged politics” and a “veteran GOP strategist”.Over the course of his political career, Stone has been widely regarded as promoting a number of falsehoods and conspiracy theories.” Click here: Mr. Stone has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back. Did all Nixon aides have the same?
Donald Trump – “Thug-in-Chief”
As far as I can tell, the only good that I find in Trump being elected is that he has quite unintentionally brought forth the very clear vision of just how screwed up our government is. That would include most, if not all Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Much more on that topic at a later date…
Other “Thugs” of note: For sure, Kim Jung-Un is a thug, and one for all heads of state to be very nervous about. And then there is Trump’s boy is Russia, the one Trump clearly looks up to, the one and only Vladimir Putin. It would seem Mr. Trump wishes he could be more like President Putin. Fortunately for us and the rest of the world, Mr. Trump lacks the brains, the knowledge, the guts and the wherewithal or the political control to come even close. The question still remains, how much more damage will Trump cause in pursuit of a throne?

Super Dude Mooch just loves Mr. Trump!
(Photo by Todd Brent)
The bottom line…
Anthony Scaramucci — He, too, I suspect is a thug, as well as being the new White House Communications Director. He is the “new kid on the block,” and is sooooo in “love” with Donald Trump, which is kind of weird, maybe a little scary and a little off the wall. This slick, Wall Street financier from Long Island is clearly a New York boy and is not a favorite among others at the White House, such as Rance Priebus and Steve Bannon. I predict it will be very interesting to see how all that plays out, and whose head rolls first.
I don’t know enough about this new, ultra-smiley-face, Fashion Magazine Cover Boy to say he is a “Thug,” but I wouldn’t be surprised. After all, it seems Trump is bringing in more NY Street Fighters to help him with his image and “his” White House agenda. And by now, all should be aware that Trump does believe the WH is “his.” And everything is about him, his inaugural crowd, his family, his businesses, and him, him, him. Mr. Trump’s seems to have an attitude of “screw the country and full speed ahead…”
So how much does *Scareamooch “love” Mr. Trump? I say it’s all BS and that Anthony is there for the short haul; he’s there to keep flashing his teeth, enhance his image, gain the trust and confidence of Trump supporters, and quite possibly run for office himself someday. And we should all fear the level of his pursuit. He appears to be quite the flip-flipper… Take a look at some of Mooch’s deleted tweets-
07-25-17, Tuesday morning add on: Senator John McCain will be back in the Senate today for the attempted AFA, Obamacare repeal. My hope is that the good Senator votes against the repeal with the following simple logic: “I cannot vote to repeal Obamacare! It needs some serious tweaking, but not repeal. I want the American people to have the same, fine medical care I have always had, and continue to have. It’s time we politicians started taking care of all Americans, not just ourselves…”
Probably not gonna happen, but it would be one of the truly great political moves ever… Whatever happens, Thank you John McCain for your years of service. Be well, stay well, and hang in there…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is… * Scareamooch – He loves Mr. Trump, he lies for Mr. Trump, he spreads BS for Mr. Trump, and he can Scare a country… along with Mr. Trump.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
Got something to say? Make that call and let your voice be heard…
The Congressional Switchboard: Call your Representative or Senator- 202-224-3121
by R. C. Danon | Jul 11, 2017 | Brokennews
“Child victims frequently do not discover the relationship of their psychological injuries to the abuse until well into adulthood — usually during the course of psychological counseling or therapy. They may not even discover the fact of such abuse until they undergo such therapy.”
SOL – Statute of limitations…
“A statute of limitation is a law which forbids prosecutors from charging someone with a crime that was committed more than a specified number of years ago. The general purpose of statutes of limitation is to make sure convictions occur only upon evidence (physical or eyewitness) that has not deteriorated with time. After the period of the statute has run, the criminal is essentially free.” More here:
Very disturbing…
“While statutes vary according to the policy objectives of each state, one common feature is that the severity of the crime generally differs in relation to the age of the child. Statutory rape laws, for example, create strict liability for offenders who have sexual intercourse with a child who has not reached the age of consent. The age of consent for states varies from ten to eighteen years of age, therefore, consent is not a defense to statutory rape. For offenders to be liable, it is also not required that they had knowledge of the child’s age when they committed the crime.” Sexual offenses against children by state view here:
The opinion of this non-attorney is…
Seems to me, there are numerous laws in this country that might serve us all better if they were federal laws as opposed to state laws… the point being, if a particular law, equally serves every person in every state, throughout the country, all would benefit. One federal law, instead of 50 variations. For example, take Drunk Driving laws. If someone kills or injures someone with an automobile… injured is injured or worse, dead is dead. 50 states, multiple laws, but dead. One Federal law might make prosecution and punishment more simple and just.
How about Divorce Laws? A deadbeat dad or a deadbeat mom, can often avoid paying child support, by moving from state-to-state to avoid their responsibilities… it doesn’t seem just. And the parent in pursuit of the short-changing parent is often stuck with paying their attorney to pursue the guilty party. Neither case seems fair or just. One law, for all people, and all states, might produce better and more just results.
Now because I’m not an attorney, and not well versed in all the laws in all the states, I’m quite sure there are many out there who would criticize, and/or offer numerous examples of the illogic of my logic… so lets bring the topic into a “frequently in the news” perspective which I find particularly offensive- Sexual Child Abuse, often committed by those most trusted by the victim and their parents: Doctors, Coaches and Priests.

Since September, at least 95 women and girls have said former MSU doctor Larry Nassar sexually assaulted them as early as 1992. At least seven women now say they raised concerns about Nassar starting in the late 1990. Matt Mencarini/Lansing State Journal (Photo: Julia Nagy/Lansing State Journal)
Doctors, and Coaches and Priests… OH MY!!
In so many instances, young children have been sexually abused at such an early age that many aren’t even aware they have been abused. Still others aren’t prepared to express or expose the abuse for years, after the actual act.
Matt Mencarini, of The Lansing State Journal, writes- “Former Michigan State University, Doctor Larry Nassar is being sued by more than 115 women and girls going back to 1992″- You can read Mr. Mencarini’s July 08, 2017 article here:
With regard to USA Gymnastics, in August of 2016, three writers from the INDYSTAR Newspaper wrote an article titled- “Sexual predators left off list of banned USA Gymnastics coaches.” The article covered relevant topics from the very incomplete list of those sexual predators up to and including information on how to protect your child from sexual predators. Read about child abuse safety here:

The Penn State child sex abuse scandal was an incident in which Jerry Sandusky, a former assistant football coach for the Penn State Nittany Lions, was charged and convicted of multiple counts of sexual abuse of children. (GENE J. PUSKAR/AP)
The Penn State Child Sex Abuse Scandal is only one example of hundreds if not thousands of examples of similar stories to once again bring attention to those who abuse the trust they are granted with their positions. You can pick your “Sandusky, Penn State Story,” here:

Australian Cardinal George Pell after making a statement at the Holy See Press Office at the Vatican on Thursday. (Credit Alberto Pizzoli/Agence France-Presse – Getty images.)
Lastly, and it seems forever, the never ending scandal of Pedophile Priests… “Australian Cardinal and Aide to Pope Is Charged With Sexual Assault… Sydney, Australia, senior Roman Catholic prelate, and one of the Pope’s top advisers, has been charged with sexual assault, the police in the Australian state of Victoria said on Thursday.” This is only the most recent of many similar cases it’s difficult to really comprehend. But wait until next week… there will be others… There always are. Pope’s top aide story here:

The bottom line…
In 2003, The Boston Globe won the Pulitzer Prize in Public Service for the outstanding investigative reporting by the paper’s SPOTLIGHT Unit: “For its courageous, comprehensive coverage of sexual abuse by priests, an effort that pierced secrecy, stirred local, national and international reaction and produced changes in the Roman Catholic Church.” The winning works by the Globe can be read here:
The movie SPOTLIGHT was released in November 2015 and won two Academy Awards in February 2016, for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. I have found the movie and the overall story upsetting, gut-wrenching, and one of the finest movies I have ever seen. I strongly urge you to see it if you haven’t.
Unfortunately, it seems very little changes… So now I’m thinking that all cases of rape, and other sexual abuse crimes should all fall under a “No Statute of Limitation,” federal enforcement program. And that little idea can be passed on to Mr. Cosby…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
For future reference: The Congressional Switchboard: Let your voice be heard…
Call your Representative or Senator- 202-224-3121
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