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Looking back…

Looking back…



What a week that was… It was over three years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. It was Monday, January 21, 2013, the day we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. It was also the day President Obama was inaugurated for his second term — His second term! In reality, January 21st was a reenactment of the actual swearing-in the day before. January 20th is the day the Constitution dictates the swearing-in must take place.

Later that same afternoon, I went to a reading of a David Mamet play at Northwestern University. The title of the play was “RACE,” and it was being presented in honor of MLK Day. About half way through the reading, I realized the message we were to take away was to be determined by those of us in the audience. Individually, we would each decide for ourselves the significance of Mr. Mamet’s words.

It wasn’t all black and white… so to speak. There were numerous, memorable lines in this play. There were words of hate. There were various descriptive words that were foul and insulting, and will not be repeated here. But I assure you those words had purpose. One line in particular that really touched me and cut deepest into my being was, “Race is the most incendiary topic in our history.” It was that line that made me realize we are what our experiences dictate.

Our feelings about race have to do with where we grow up, who our family and friends are, where our influences come from, in school, after school, from the books, magazines and newspapers we read, the television shows we watch, etc., etc. All the varying experiences that take place in our daily lives do influence the way we think, act and respond to matters of “race.” And as I said, it’s not all black and white. Yet to some, it’s very black, while to others, it is very white. Or should I say, it’s very black vs. white?

The American experience… Friday, 01/25/13. The week ended for me in Birmingham, Alabama, where I was visiting a friend. On Friday morning, I was up and out of the house early and drove into downtown Birmingham to tour the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. I’d wanted to the BCRI on previous visits, but it never worked out. And now I was there, and at a most appropriate time — appropriate because of the Presidential inauguration, appropriate because of the MLK holiday earlier in the week, and appropriate because of the way I was brought up.

The Institute or Museum itself is a work of art. But the images inside, and the spoken and written words of people coming at each other from different directions dating back to the Civil War, give one a sense of history that, until recently, I believed were “historical.”

Granted, the separate classrooms and water fountains and bathrooms marked “Whites Only” or “Coloreds” don’t exist in today’s world. But in my opinion, the disrespect shown our President, and the numerous, somewhat successful attempts to keep our President from doing any good whatsoever under Republican Majority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell’s banner of, “My single most important goal is to make Barak Obama a one-term president,” just reeks of racism.

On 09-09-2009, during an address to Congress by President Obama, (R) Rep. Joe Wilson from South Carolina interrupted and shouted out to the President, “you lie…” On January 25, 2012, a video of the (so-called) lady governor from Arizona, with her mouth agape and her scolding finger just inches from the President’s face, was played on news programs across the country. These two incidents, along with Sen. McConnell’s (failed) crusade are, in my opinion, race-based examples of disrespect not witnessed in this country, at that level, in a long time.

As a white, northern liberal brought up in Chicago during the 50’s and 60’s, it all smacks of racism. And I challenge anyone of these three apparent “haters” to defend their positions and aggressive acts of disrespect towards our President. Unfortunately, many in the media did not dig as deep into this story during President Obama’s first term, as they did into Beyonce, lip-syncing the National Anthem, earlier in the week. The fact of the matter is: These three political dolts hate the thought of having to sit across the table from the black guy… who by the way is a whole lot smarter, caring and credible than any deadbeat racist I can think of.

The bottom line…
If you ever get the chance, visit the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Walk through the historical, chronologically-arranged galleries. Read the words and listen to the audio presentations. Be reminded of blacks getting the right to vote, of Rosa Parks riding on a bus, sitting in the “Colored” seating area as she refused to give up her seat to a white man who had nowhere to sit in front. Watch the footage of the Freedom Riders in their attempts to ride public transportation into southern states that practiced segregation. Read of their bus being blown up and of the beatings they received when attacked by local mobs.

Lastly, if you really want your world rocked, stand back five to ten feet from the large-screen video presentation of the Rev. Martin Luther King giving his “I Had a Dream” speech in Washington, D.C., in 1963. Then, when you leave the building and step out into the fresh air and the sunshine, look back one more time, and be ever so grateful that we have a president who really does care about all Americans, including McConnell, Wilson and the “finger lady”. And take pride that so many believed so strongly that Barak Obama was the right guy for the job… twice!

Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter…


*The photo of the President was taken with an iPhone as it appeared on CNN, on 01/23/2013.

Wow!! Sarah Palin again?

Wow!! Sarah Palin again?



Are you kidding me?
Is there anyone in politics less significant than Sarah Pailin? I think not!

Oh I know, there was the, “I am not a witch” lady. And of course there are occasional Michele Bachman sightings. Both of whom have recently appeared as guests with Brooke Baldwin on CNN. And if that isn’t broken news, what is?

But getting input, or an opinion from Sarah Palin about anything other than scaling a carp or buying shotgun shells seems a bit far fetched. I mean really… Defending the Trump against Paul Ryan based on a sound bite or two. It’s safe to assume she didn’t read it in a newspaper. After all, the only thing she’s ever done with a newspaper is wrap up those scales and entrails.

When will Sarah Palin, the “I am not a witch lady”, Michele Bachman and others like them just disappear? They bring nothing to the table. They offer nothing of significance in any way, shape or form. And for that matter, the Trump doesn’t really offer much either. But then again, who better to promote the Trump, than another loose cannon… Bang!

Yes, the Trump is a very different kind of candidate than anyone has ever had to deal with before. As he slithers in the gutter, he attacks his opponents with vile, disgusting accusations, name calling and lies. He lies about the opposition and he lies about things he has “seen’, and “heard”. And to top it all off, his knowledge of the issues is remedial at best.

I can’t remember anyone who has so successfully “worked the press” the way the Trump has. This election cycle is far different than any that I can remember. It is truly a sight to behold. CNN, MSNBC and many of the local networks are Breaking (the) News on an hourly basis by sitting on the edges of their seats as the Trump spouts, talks, insults, threatens and weasels his way towards the GOP convention while the GOP is in a shambles trying to figure out how to out- trump the Trump. Good luck on that.

The Trump: Lots of talk but very few specifics; lots of over-talking, interrupting, “excuse me” snap-backs, always pushing interviewers around; endless derogatory comments about women, Hispanics, and his primary competitors. His attacks on Megyn Kelly in the first GOP debate were both disgusting and absurd. All Ms. Kelly did was question his “documented” comments about women, and all of sudden she is being endlessly attacked by the Trump. That’s his way… Bullying, monopolizing every conversation or interview, name calling and lying about the intended victim. And most of the time it seems to work. Absolutely amazing…

On November 06, 2015, Mary Kate Cary wrote an article about the Trump for US NEWS. In that article – The Master of Manipulation subtitled- The press keeps taking Donald trump’s bait – and all the free coverage is keeping his campaign alive, Ms Cary wrote – “Here’s what Mr. Trump wrote in his 1987 book, “The Art of the Deal:” “One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better… If you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you.”

The bottom line…
The polls and the pundits are all over the place and there’s still about six months to go until the election. How will we all survive this? I don’t see Trump becoming Presidential during the campaign. Oh he may try from time to time, but what you see is what you get, and there is no pretending by this guy. He expects to be believed, no matter what he says or does. But like Sarah Palin, he doesn’t have much to offer.

As for Hillary… I suggest she stay out of the gutter. No name calling and no trash talking. Just stick to the issues. Because the issues and and the apparent lack of depth of understanding of those issues is where the Trump will falter. He shows it over and over again. And when called on it, he talks his way, away from the original question. Repeatedly, the Trump skates the topics presented to him by the interviewer. If only more of the talking heads would press the question, and then fight to get the answer. And my prediction is that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won’t let him off so easy. I can’t wait…

Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter…