by R. C. Danon | Apr 22, 2017 | Brokennews

MOAB – The Mother Of All Bombs… (daily read
On the night of April 06, the United States, under the direction of, and probable lack of understanding of, Donald J. Trump, bombed Syria. To set the tone, but only to some degree, I do think it was a smart move. Someone, some country, needed to attempt to do something to stop that murder, Assad, from gas bombing his own people. The number of Syrians killed is in the tens of thousands and the displaced, well into the millions. If the U.S. bombing of that one airfield in anyway gives Assad pause before gassing his own people again, then I say bravo. Should he decide to gas American troops… Well that’s something he probably shouldn’t even consider, Russia or no Russia.
Unfortunately, the so-called free world doesn’t seem to share the desire or the wherewithal to help. And although Russia clearly understands what is going on with Assad, they and Iran are willing supporters and apparent participants… and their coalition only means more trouble down the runaway, so to speak, while Mr. Putin continues his march towards whatever power, or impression-of-power, he is hoping to gain.
I don’t believe for one minute, that seeing the photos of those babies, the children, and all others who were gassed during any of the Syrian bombings affected Mr.Trump one bit. I suspect many will disagree, but this is a man who never shows any interest in others. It’s always about him, the man, the BIGLEE deal. This self-centered lump of ego shows little if any interest or understanding of anyone, anywhere, who might be hurting. Now that I mention it, Mr. Trump seems to care less about anyone other than family, unless of course there is something to be gained.
For example- If The Trump really is saddened by wounded or murdered children, why isn’t he raising a little hell with Wayne LaPierre, and the NRA? It was on April 10th, just less than two weeks ago, that two more school children were shot, one of whom died, along with two adults, in San Bernardino, California. No, this guy Trump only cares about himself and a few family members. And it will be a really cold day at Mara-a-Lago, before I believe Trump’s got a tear-gland, let alone a heart.
Will Mr. Trump take more action against Assad? Who knows? But I do believe he trusts in “his Generals and Admirals,” and that they, along with Jarred and Ivanka, and several very close politicos, are holding his hand and walking him through all of this. But are there any significant allies involved? It would appear not.
Even though I am for peace, what has been taking place with the bombings, poisonous gas attacks, and the murder of anyone in Assad’s way, needs to be dealt with in ways that will lead to an outcome which permanently rids the world of Assad, or at the least brings him before a world court. I’m not sure the U.S. has the power or wherewithal to accomplish that.

It ain’t pretty… (
MOAB- The Mother of All Bombs…
That was some mother! That “Mother,” was the bomb the U.S. dropped on ISIS troops in and around an underground, tunnel and cave complex, in Nangarhar Province, in Afghanistan. The stated purpose was to kill as many ISIS as possible. As of a week ago, that number was about 100.
The MOAB is a 21,000 pound bomb that releases an above ground concussive explosion that can cover an area of approximately 9 square, city blocks. It is the largest, non-nuclear bomb ever used by the U.S., and it was first developed in 2003 to be used in Iraq. It was then decided it would not to be used there. Now, some fourteen years later, it has been used and the messages it may or may not have sent are questionable. To learn more.
To ISIS, the message should be clear… We will get you! But there are problems with that because of Russia’s involvement with Iran and Syria, and the possible accidental killing of each other’s troops as the U.S. pursues a sometimes not very clear goal. And then there is…

My Father is bigger than your Mother…
In 2007, Russia tested its own “super-non-nuclear-bomb.” The Father of All Bombs, is smaller, lighter and apparently four times more powerful than the MOAB. The “mine is bigger than yours race is on…” Sadly, I think its only a matter of time until our world is back at war again. And there will be no winners.
Kim Jong-un beware…
The message to North Korea… We’ve got this really BIG, BAD ASS, MOAB, and you had better think twice about firing any more missiles or testing and more underground nuclear bombs. For the record, I don’t actually believe Kim Jong-un is worried one bit about MOAB. After all, he’s probably got hundreds if not thousands of missiles aimed at South Korea which could take-out hundreds of city blocks, resulting in the death of thousands and thousands of civilians and military personnel..
A MOAB would clearly be able to do quite a bit of damage to the tunnels and those in them, leading from North Korea into South Korea. But overall, Kim Jong-un most assuredly believes whatever cost his country will pay to reign supreme will be worth the price. What he fails to understand is that North Korea will never reign supreme, and he is very likely to wind up dead.
In that vain, China does seem to be getting ready to (possibly) deal with Kim militarily, if he doesn’t get his act together. And yes, Mr. Trump’s involvement with China on that matter seems to be paying off. But we shall see.
The bottom line…
The U.S. is fighting too many battles or wars, in too many countries. We’ve been In Afghanistan some 15 years, and that seems nowhere near ending. As for ISIS, I still worry about them destroying the Mosul Dam. And how long might it be until they or some other terrorist group gets its hands on a nuclear weapon, probably captured from the Pakistani Military? What then…? As for a military conflict with North Korea, well that seems imminent.
So what are the answers to these various conflicts? I’m not sure. Several weeks ago I wrote about my ideas regarding a One-Korea likelihood. Click here to read
As for the rest of the world: With continued conflicts, along with new and on-going wars, it does seem we will be living on the edge, for quite sometime. I do believe we should not be the policeman to the world; and when religious conflicts are taking place, we need to keep our distance, as well.

Its about time. Now if we could just get rid of Trump… (@RollingStone on Twitter)
One last note…
To Bill O’Reilly and others, I dedicate this week’s NeWerd, FoX-U, To the Fox Network, former employees Roger Ailes, and Bill O’Reilly, and their good buddy Donald J. Trump… *FoX-U guys! Your brand of news really sucks! Worse yet, your tolerance of the misogynistic speaks directly to your lack of intelligence, your on-going permissiveness, and your total lack of respect for women of all races and color.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is – * FoX-U To the Fox Network, and all, who demonstrate a tolerance of the misogynistic which speaks directly to their lack of intelligence, their on-going permissiveness, and their total lack of respect for women of all races and color.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here
by R. C. Danon | Apr 7, 2017 | Brokennews

In the center ring…
“Ladies and Gentleman… Welcome to the greatest show on earth! I Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, elected by the greatest majority ever, with the largest inaugural crowd ever in attendance, can and will fix everything that needs fixing, anywhere in the world. And I will do it in a biglee way.” Yada, yada, yada…
So the ringmaster is POTUS45, and the ventriloquist has been Steve Bannon, a former chair holder on the Security Council. And why on earth Bannon is anywhere near the White House is a mystery to many. But there is some similarity, I suppose, to Bush-Cheney, but with several differences. Now “W” may not have been the sharpest tack on the bulletin board, but he isn’t stupid, and he surely isn’t ignorant like our current, so-called President. I also believe that he and his Presidency were “taken over” by Cheney and the neo-cons, and they ran with it. Some of those neo-cons were the same people who tried to talk Bill Clinton into invading Iraq back in the 1990’s- To read that letter in full, Click here
The sideshow continues…
A Spicer press conference often has a chaotic bent. I wonder where that might come from. You’d think Spicer would eventually tire of lying and just resign because he feels he’s better than that. But I guess not. Then there was Sean Spicer’s recent treatment of journalist and White House Reporter, April Ryan, not to mention Trump’s thoughtless remark to Ms. Ryan suggesting that she arrange a meeting between him and the Congressional Black Caucus, which does have a slightly “colored” slant to it. As if her being an African-American made her an insider. My money is that Trump didn’t even know what the CBC was. More info on that exchange here

Is it the White House or The Lie House?
One would hope- VP Pence, Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway along with the other Team Trump, blonde-talking-heads, plus good-boy Jack Kingston, and all others who defend this dolt-of-a man, would at some point get tired of lying for The President. Russian lies… The never ending Russian connections and deflections, make me think he’s not long for office. Then you can add in the “pussy” comments, which clearly would tie-in/lie-in, this President’s misogynistic, groping, support of Bill O’Reiley and his millions of dollars paid out to women he harassed. Trump not only doesn’t get the big picture, he doesn’t get the little picture either. *DonDongGoneWrong — Don-boy, Women are to be treated with respect.
It really never seems to end… The accusations, the investigations, the stories, the deflections, the Tweets, and lies that accompany this President almost daily, is enough to make one throw up in disgust. How about getting rid of the bum, let Pence take over? At least he has a brain. And then if the DNC can ever get their act together, along with a strong, decent candidate, the country might get back on its feet.

The bottom line…
It is not my intention to continually criticize, or make jokes or sarcastic commentary about President Trump, week after week. But the guy just seems to beg for it… Either by saying or doing stupid things, by lying out of ignorance or to deflect from other questionable issues going on with him personally, within his administration, or his family.
A very recent example, of the true stupidity, and ignorance of this President, can be seen in the link that follows. This particular YouTube link will take you to The Trump exchange with King Huessin of Jordan, in the Rose Garden, on April 05, just a few days ago. The American President must read almost everything, and he reads like a not very smart, 6th grade boy. Then listen to the King of Jordan speak… The difference is stunning. This President is an embarrassment. He knows and understands sooooo little. To view the President Trump joint news conference with King Abdullah II of Jordan click here
When Trump lacks a script, he has little if anything to say. When asked questions by the press when he doesn’t have a scripted answer, everything falls apart. Questions don’t really get answered. Loose, irrelevant, unknowing answers flow from blubbering lips, searching for some relevancy, which often fall to blaming others, far outside the relevancy of the original question: “I won the election biglee,” “the crowds on the mall were record breaking,” “it’s Obamas fault,” yada, yada, yada, It all borders on just whacko, crazy, and bottom line ignorance. Enough is enough and the “Russian Connection Investigation” can’t get to the final truth soon enough… One way or another.
So last night (April 06, early morning April 07, in Syria) the US, under the direction, and probable lack of understanding, of Donald J. Trump, bombed Syria. I will write more on this in several days. To set the tone, I do think it was a smart move. However I don’t believe for one minute that seeing the photos of those babies, the children and all who were gassed during the Syrian bombing this past week affected The Trump one bit… not a sniffle, a gasp, or one tear. And thank God we have Generals in place who know what they’re doing.
As for Trump dealing with North Korea, if you read last weeks post, you know my position. If you didn’t, please click here. To sum up… Kim Jong-un, like Assad, must go, one way or another. And I suspect we’ll know more about that situation soon after The Trump meeting with President Xi of China this weekend.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is – * DonDongGoneWrong – Don-boy… Women are to be treated with respect. You and your guy pals need to get a clear understanding of that. And if you can’t, at least keep your misogynistic mouth shut. Do ya get it?
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here
by R. C. Danon | Apr 1, 2017 | Brokennews

The “Supreme” Dictator Kim Jong-Un is in charge, at least for now.
(Image- images international)
North Korea? South Korea? One Korea? No Korea? So what’s next?
Now would be a good time to start worrying, if you haven’t already. And if you’re willing to excuse my possible naïveté, please follow my thinking in this post, and see if it works for you.
We have been listening to the various news reports about North Korea’s Kim Jong-un for several years now. The Supreme Leader of North Korea, a.k.a., Military leader and dictator, became the Supreme Leader of North Korea in 2011, following the death of his father Kim Jong-il. The operative word here is “dictator,” because leaders lead… And “dictators” dictate. And “dictating,” is exactly what Kim Jong-un has been doing since day one.
As a dictator, the 33 year old Kim quickly took over, and purged much of the potential opposition he feared he might encounter, including his uncle, Jang Song-t’aek who had a prominent position in Kim Jong-il’s rule, as well as being an advisor to Kim Jong-un. In late 2013, Jang was tried and executed for plotting to overthrow his nephew.
In February 2017, in an airport in Kuala Lumpur, Kim’s half-brother Kim-Jong-nam, a long-time critic, who had been living in exile, was apparently assassinated. And there have been other family members who have died or disappeared as well as party and military leaders. To learn a bit more of ‘Kim Jong-un’s Bloody path to power…” click here. Read about North Korea’s top “Enforcer” himself now being purged, click here.
So where does China stand and how might they help?
China seems to be babysitting the young Kim. Unfortunately Kim, very much has a mind of his own, and seems to have no problem going off in different threatening directions with regard to developing his own nuclear-weapon capabilities. Kim continues to make threats against Japan and the United States. As North Korea continues to develop long-range missiles that can carry nuclear warheads, Kim has no problem making statements that threaten Japan and the United States. Read more here.

A bigger mistake by North Korea could not happen. China needs to stop the Supreme Dictator now…
Considering that North Korea has a very large military, and thousands of non-nuke missiles aimed at South Korea, Kim must think he’s ready to take on the world. But what would an attack like that get him. The United States is there to protect the South, and they will do so. And in that vein, thousands if not millions of North Korean refugees will flood into China. And that’s not what China wants or needs.
Nor does China want an accidental missile of any sort coming into their country. And certainly no one wants a conflict or war to start between China and the US, especially over North Korea. It seems to me that China needs to sit this Kim guy down and explain that there are no winners in a nuclear war. Again, what will Kim gain by attacking South Korea, Japan, Guam and possibly the United States with either non-nuclear, or nuclear weapons? Absolutely nothing!

Will two the Koreas become one? Under the right circumstances, the world should benefit. One can only hope…

How poor is North Korea?
As reported by Wikipedia and others, you can read more at the links that follow about “Poverty in Korea has been attributed to poor governance by the totalitarian regime.” click here to read. To view images of the poverty in North Korea click here. The unfree world and all you need to know about North Korea, click here.

The bottom line…
There will be no winners if this dilemma isn’t dealt with soon. China and only China, needs to make sure Kim Jong-un is replaced by a capable delegate/leader who will lead North Korea into the 21st Century. And in doing so, will be willing to work to unify the North and the South, into one Korea. China and the United States together must work hand-in-hand with the leaders in South Korea, along with a capable governing body from the North. That won’t be easy… But if successful all would benefit.
To start with, one Korea, united and led by the South, can bring an end to a starving, northern half. Millions of North Koreans would almost immediately gain the positive flow of energy from their brothers and sisters in the south, as the world reaches out to help and save a lost nation, abused by their own leadership for decades. The end of starvation, along with releasing those families in concentration camps, will go a long way to unite the two Koreas. Korea, China, Asia, the United States and the world, will all benefit.
If China and the US are to work together with regard to almost anything “Korean,” China will ask, and expect the US to remove the THAAD (Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense) Missile System. But to remove THAAD before a “One Korea” plan is set in motion would be a mistake. Kim Jong-un must be gone first. THAAD INFO-here
THAAD is said to be there to defend against a possible ballistic missile attack by the North Koreans. But I believe it to be reasonable for China to not want missiles of any type on their border. The reaction of the United States with regard to missiles in Cuba is a prime example. And if China and the US are to help build a strong and vital “One Korea,” all parties are going to have to believe in a mutual, give-and-take, that benefits the world. No nuclear war is the goal…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is – * KimJong-B’gone – China must take the lead in replacing the North Korean Dictator.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here
by R. C. Danon | Mar 27, 2017 | Brokennews, For Proof

It has not been a good week. But don’t blame me… (AFP)
Korea, Obamacare, and Russia…
I started to write my post to last week’s blog about how I perceived the threat of North Korea and their nuke buildup… but with the overwhelming news blasts about North Korea’s failed attempt at another missile launch, the F.B.I. & N.S.A. hearing on possible Russian connections to the Trump organization and of course the failed attempt at “Repeal and Replace,” I decided to take the week off, and just sit back and try and take it all in. It’s been somewhat exhausting. And with regard to The Trump, it’s much ado about nothing…
Day by day, and week by week, the United States is slowly being flushed down the toilet by Trump, and the politicians of both parties. No one seems to care enough to do anything about it, at least not yet. And by the way, this is nothing new- its been going on for years. But now we can truly and wholeheartedly thank our current President for bringing this to the forefront. His actions, inactions, and his inabilities only bring attention to the overall inadequacies of our government, as a whole, from top to bottom, and across the country. People everywhere seem to be nervous, even afraid of what will happen to their medical coverage, as well as other possible blind-sides down the road. Their stomachs are tied in knots, feeling that each day of Trump-chaos lacks leadership and direction.
I am saddened and embarrassed for my country.
The current “so-called” President of the United States is a liar of the highest order, an ignorant and unaware, narcissistic blowhard, a bully, a misogynist, and any other negative, descriptive words you and I might come up with. He is, and we are, as a country, the laughing stock of the world, and it becomes ever so obvious our country will go nowhere under the current leadership. Primarily because there is no true leadership.
I mean really! Think about it… THE BIG DEAL MAKER, thinks he can ride roughshod over any and all who question his words, his actions, or his intentions. What’s so amazing about all this is how little he actually knows or understands about his responsibilities, and the daily goings-on of our country and the world. He speaks and tweets like a 6th grader. He lies and deflects like there is no accountability. And he directs others in the White House to lie for him to help deflect from the latest revelation of his possible wrong-doing.

The Affordable Care Act? Yes, it was all an act! (
7 years of wasted time…
The GOP had 7 years to come up with a plan that would be as good or better than they felt Obamacare was, and they blew it. Their moaning, bitching and repeated attempts to “repeal” led to nothing more than a hurried up “Repeal & Replace” package apparently put together in a few months, that looked far worse than the actual Affordable Care Act. They had 7 years…!
In all fairness to The Trump, it didn’t fail because of his actions or inactions. He never understood it to begin with. Oh he made big promises and big threats, and he even tried to blame the Democrats at first, and now blames the Conservatives. Trump hasn’t been around long enough to have real grasp or understanding of the issues. But in the end, as reported by POLITICO, it was How a secret Freedom Caucus pact brought down Obamacare repeal:
There have been 50+ votes to repeal Obamacare, and now it seems to be with us for awhile longer, and that’s not such a bad thing:
A lack of intelligence…
I’m not going to go into the Russian Debate at this time, but I will soon. It continues to develop more-and-more, and I’m betting on a political-intelligence scandal like this country has never seen before, followed by a Trump resignation and or possible impeachment proceedings before the summer of 2018.
The bottom line…
At least for the time being, we’re stuck with what we’ve got… so now might be a good time for one and all to start thinking about Term Limits… Currently terms limits only exist for the President, with two, 4 year terms, and that’s it. But Senators and House members can run for office over, and over again… Six years for Senators, and two years for House members times however many times they like. One-third of the Senate is elected every two years. The entire house is up for election each time. Changes need to be made.
I’d like to see a two-term 6 year presidency. Senators can stay at 6 years but with a two-term limit, or possibly three at the most. House members could have no more than three, 4-year terms in office. State governors also would be limited to three 4 year terms. All federal elections would continue to be held in November and all terms would begin in January. The bottom line, no one would ever hold the same office for more than 3 terms. And if the office holder wanted to run for a different office, they would be required to wait 4 years before running for office again.
As for campaigns: No campaigning until the beginning of November the year before one’s final year of their term in office, and there would be financial restrictions on donations as well as spending. Lastly, all primaries would be limited to take place during the three month period of May, June and July with conventions in August. And I’m quite sure that well structured primaries could bring more order overall.
Recall Rules are open for discussion. But voting rights are not. Bottom line… Every citizen has a right to vote. As for how one proves they are a US Citizen- While in high school, and no later than the month of their 18th birthday, each individual will receive a U.S. Citizen ID card, acquired with proof, using either a birth certificate or a social security card.
A Social Security card can be issued to U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents. In the future, a Social Security would have to be highlighted or coded to indicate that the card holder is in fact a U.S. Citizen. Those who come to this country and legally become US citizens would receive the same ID card. That card is good for life and can be updated with a current photograph every 8-10 years.
And no more electoral college… Majority rules!! Think positive, be strong, and please think about putting a stop to the circus in Washington, D.C. Enough already from both parties. Let’s get our country back on track and be proud Americans, and not embarrassed Americans.
The North Korean posting will follow in a few days.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is – * DumpTrump- No definition required.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
by R. C. Danon | Mar 13, 2017 | Brokennews
TweetyBird accused me of what?
Please believe me… Obama did it!
It’s a bit of a stretch…
There has been so much BS coming from Team-Trump that it boggles the imagination. Conway, Spicer and other Team members like Jeffery Lord and Kayleigh McEnany, seem to have no problem lying, twisting and misrepresenting the truth, for their boss, Donald J. Trump, a.k.a., The Trump, Don-Boy, the US Apprentice, POTUS45, and the ever popular, TweetyBird..
President Trump is the Master of Deflection. He tweets *PhonEbugs… his never ending lies, to deflect from the possible realities that lead others to dig even deeper into what goes on in Trump World. So TweetyBird said that former President Barak Obama bugged Trump Tower. Well that really is a bit of a stretch. And now he’s backing off of that. But what if Trump Tower was bugged?
Taking into consideration the endless Russian connection stories that appear over and over… Has anyone considered that maybe the Russians bugged Trump Tower? Now granted, this “Obama bugged me” deflection wasn’t likely under any scenario, but anything is made to seem possible in Trump World. So lets add the Russians to the possible, but unlikely list of potential buggers.
In the meantime, our so-called President got 8-9 days of “deflection.” Which took at least some of the attention away from AG Sessions. But thanks to numerous intrepid journalists, who continue to dig up even more Russian connections among the Trump surrogates, the Trump-Team BS continues, as more of the truth seems to leak out.
I do so look forward to the end of all this, and hopefully the end of the Trump Presidency. It can’t end soon enough. Especially when you take into consideration, that the guy just doesn’t get it.

I wish I could understand what this Obama guy was talking about..
Photo courtesy of: Getty Images
So what really “bugs” POTUS45…? POTUS 44, of course. The list of differences would be endless, but consider the following: 44 is bright, caring, intelligent, (was) interested in his job and the world, and smart enough to want to know more, as well as understanding the importance of knowing more; 44 is an eloquent speaker, considerate of others, tells a good story or joke (The White House Correspondents Dinner), knows how to reach out to help others or ask others for help. And clearly Barak Obama knew how to delve into the understanding and planning of a military operation to capture or kill Osama bi Laden. He knew how to depend on others in the planning and implementation of that of operation, as well as accepting the responsibility, one way or the other.
President Trump? None of they above!

You White House Correspondents really “bug me…” (SNL-NBC)
Looking ahead…
Speaking of the White House Correspondents Dinner… I can’t wait. As I’m sure you already know The Trump wont be attending, and I predict it will be outstanding. I also predict that TweetyBird will be there, by way of Alec Baldwin or Darryl Hammond, and maybe even Sean Spicer (Melissa McCarthy) to introduce POTUS45.
Of course, if that were to happen, I suspect that all correspondents, everywhere will be banned from the White House forever. We shall see.
The bottom line… “Who will save us from Trump?
That question was asked in a headline, in a Chicago Sun-Times Op-Ed piece on March 11, written by Gene Lyons. Regarding Trump’s tweets blaming President Obama for bugging Trump Tower, Lyons suggested- “Only an impulsive fool would blurt out such an incendiary charge with no evidence whatsoever.” Lyons went on to mention “Most professionals who have weighed in on Trump’s mental health mention narcissistic personality disorder.” Lyons then referred to what the Mayo Clinic’s website says about that particular disorder. To read the full, Lyons editorial, and the Mayo Clinic reference click here:
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is – * PhonEbug – An all too common bug which the TweetyBird doesn’t get, can’t digest, and spits out.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
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