by R. C. Danon | Nov 18, 2016 | Brokennews

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Maybe it’s a good thing The Trump won…
I’ll bet no one ever expected to see those words come from my keyboard, nor hear those words or thoughts come from my mouth. And here it is only ten days after the election. What has this world come to? Am I really thinking and speaking these thoughts, and why?
Mind change…
On the morning of Friday November 11, 2016, Veteran’s Day, it all came to me… Maybe it’s better that The Trump will be our next President!! What? Well Hillary wasn’t a bad person, just not a very good candidate. The Trump on the other hand is a despicable person, but he was a great candidate. He worked the press, he worked the crowds and got the vote. But not the overall popular vote (Another discussion for another time.).
I was one of those who was convinced Hillary would win. And like many others, I didn’t see it coming. But The Trump worked the crowds like no other, while Hillary didn’t do much other than count on X-number of women, Blacks, Hispanics and Wisconsin to put her in the White House. It didn’t exactly happen that way. And please don’t tell me Bernie would have won. The guy brought nothing to the table other than “grump & grouch”. And that wouldn’t have cut it.
If Hillary had been elected, the GOP-dominated Congress would have shut her down from day one, through day 1,460. They would have allowed her less breathing room than they allowed President Obama. The Trump as President, The Outsider-Elect is going to “drain the swamp…” And he seems to be starting by bringing in lots of “insiders” to help formulate his cabinet and his direction. Now that doesn’t seem to be what he promised, but he seems to be finding some direction. Time will tell. But in the meantime, Democrats and Republicans alike will have to work together to keep The Trump on course and the nation safe. And working “together” is something that hasn’t taken place in Washington, in a long time.
So the BIG man just loves to Tweet…
No, we’re stuck with The Trump, at least for the time being. My gut tells me that Vice-President Pence will fill out the term as President. I say that because of possible impeachment, quitting the gig out of boredom, or by way of glutinous suicide, by overeating when things don’t go exactly his way. It would appear his attention span is limited to 140 characters… There is very little intellect, or understanding of the world outside his 24 carat bathroom. Worse yet, the frosting on that cake is ignorance… Somewhat “vanilla” ignorance!
I’m betting The Trump will designate almost all Presidential responsibilities, to his VP, his Cabinet members, and numerous others who clearly understand the daily world in which they walk, including his children. And my guess is that the possible request for a Top Secret clearance for his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is so the kid can read and explain the Daily Briefings to daddy. The Trump is already bored with anything that requires an explanation of more than 140 characters. If it’s more than three sentences, he’s lost. He’d rather sleep in The Tower, eat at “21,” and, I suspect he’ll be hanging out in his new hotel just down the street from the White House, looking for babes to hit on. After all, he is the Celebrity President, which clearly entitles him to grab any woman, by any body part, anytime he likes.
The bottom line… 
Our President-Elect has indicated he doesn’t want the press anywhere around. After all, the “press lies,” and “lies” about the liar don’t seem to sit well. I also believe he apparently doesn’t want the press around to take note of the drool trickling from the corner of his mouth when he’s checking out the babes at his new Trump International Hotel, just a few blocks from that White House. Ya know, it is what it is… So, I’m thinking we should support this new President as best we can. Better yet, let’s support the government and keep our fingers crossed. And that was 140 characters… Tweet, tweet!
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
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by R. C. Danon | Nov 12, 2016 | Brokennews

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I will fix it, I know more than anyone about ISIS, the military, etc., yada, yada, yada.
I won…? Now what the hell do I do?
The morning after…
The words above, “Very Bad Day,” appeared in the subject line of an email I received at 4:04 AM on November 09, 2016. The senders were my friends Alain & Josephine, who live in a Paris, France, suburb. Their email read as follows…
Sincere Condolences to America for this Very Bad Trump …. !!!!!!!!!! Let’s Pray….
But we still believe in US because of people like you.
Alain & Joséphine from France
My response was as follows: Alain and Josephine, Good morning my friends… And thank you for your most kind and caring email. It is quite possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. It means the world. And yes we should all pray. The entire world should be praying, hoping America can stay on course.
Needless to say, I am stunned. I went to bed last night around 10:45PM, before it was determined, knowing it wasn’t likely Hillary Clinton was going to have the votes or the states to win. Not a good mindset when trying to get to sleep.
So what did the people who voted for Trump leave us with?
I do agree that America needs change. But I fear this man as our President because he is an ignorant reactionary that knows little, if anything, outside of his very small and privileged world. I fear him because he is a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, lying thief who thinks nothing about stealing from those who have done work for him and his companies.
I fear him because he is now front and center on the world stage and no one really knows what to think, expect or even hope for, including our President elect.
The bottom line…
In advance of this election there were those that talked about leaving the United States, should Donald Trump win the election. Well he won! So now what? People of this mindset speak of moving to get away from The Trump, his people, his ideas, his unknowing, his lack of respect for any and all who might disagree with him. Apparently, as things were winding down on election night many Americans were looking at the Canadian Government website, and how to move there. The next day, I heard someone on the radio say that there was so much activity that it crashed. If you are thinking of moving north, Click here to check it out–

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As for me, I’m thinking I’d maybe like to live somewhere else. No I don’t want to move to Canada or Mexico. I would however like to live somewhere else — somewhere, where I could just go about my daily life, not worrying about President Donald Trump (Yuk! I don’t like those three words together). Somewhere, where I could sit back, relax, get my work or writing done, listen to some really mellow vibes on my BOSE, and just enjoy life. Somewhere like… Click here:
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
Now rock on Americans, for tomorrow is a new day, and it is what it is…

by R. C. Danon | Nov 4, 2016 | Brokennews
Donald J. Trump? When hell freezes over!

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Hillary Rodham Clinton? When the CUBS win the World Series!!!!

The bottom line…
You only get one vote, so make it count. Our future depends on it…
This link might help you with your decision on which candidate to vote for. If you liked Johnny Carson, you’ll love this:
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
by R. C. Danon | Oct 25, 2016 | Brokennews

Jesse Jackson also thinks the election is rigged… Photo courtesy of:
The Trump is an imbecile and an embarrassment to the Democratic process…I also feel it’s safe to say, at this point in time, that Donald J. Trump is an embarrassment to any and all who have a brain, and are smart enough to recognize that the man has no class, no morals, and thinks the entire world revolves around him. Last week in New York, on the evening of October 20th, at the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner (a benefit for Catholic Charities), Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump exchanged a few barbs to the delight of those in attendance.
Well some of those barbs were a little sharp, from both candidates. But the worst by far, over the course of the evening and possibly of the entire electoral season, was when The Trump said, “Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy and a totally different policy in private.” And many of those in attendance began to growl and jeer in protest. Then came the kicker, “Here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics…”
So I ask you … when are Paul Ryan and Company going to really pull the plug on their worthless, insulting candidate? Trump is quite possibly the rudest, crudest, most ignorant, and worse-than-evil, ego centric person to ever walk the face of the earth!! His candidacy and mere existence is stunning to much of mankind … But then again, Putin seems to like the guy!
Is the election really rigged…?
The Trump would like us all to believe the media is against him when, in fact, the media helped make him. During the primaries, I heard that CNN was giving The Trump 42+% of their coverage. And I remember Ohio Governor Kasich stating that if he had that kind of media coverage, he’d probably be the nominee.
Voter suppression has gone on for years. As the ACLU reported, “Since 2008, states across the country have passed measures to make it harder for Americans — particularly black people, the elderly, students, and people with disabilities — to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot. These measures include cuts to early voting, voter ID laws, and purges of voter rolls.”
Jesse Jackson had a truly informative Op Ed piece in today’s (10/25/2016) Chicago Sun-Times. Jackson feels that if, in fact, the election “is rigged,” it’s rigged in favor of The Trump. Rev. Jackson gives numerous examples of voter suppression, which would clearly favor the GOP and their frightening Presidential candidate. Jackson points out that “We deserve a unified, national electoral system that guarantees every citizen a protected right to vote, the most fundamental right of all in a democracy.” For the complete article click here:
The bottom line…
Trump is Palin and Palin is Trump. I’m a little embarrassed to say this, but I think Sarah Palin is a little bit brighter than The Trump. Now neither one is the sharpest tack on the bulletin board, and when interviewed, many of their supporters lacked any real knowledge or understanding of the issues or the facts. And the candidates themselves weren’t much more knowledgeable. But as far as political experience goes she out-points him though that isn’t really saying very much.
After the last election, when President Obama trounced Romney, the GOP was going to do a post-election autopsy to re-vamp their party to a point that the GOP would be more attractive to a greater number of Americans than in recent elections, especially Blacks and Hispanics. But it doesn’t seem to be working. It doesn’t seem to me that The Trump makes a good representative for that effort. For more information Click here:
I feel strongly that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. She is by far the safest, most experienced and qualified candidate. But as I have stated in the past, my ideal election would have the very best, most qualified GOP candidate, running against the very best DNC candidate. The country only wins when that takes place. And however one feels about Hillary, The Trump brings nothing to the table but hate, disrespect, and a shallowness seldom seen in any top executive, let alone the President of the United States… So keep your fingers crossed…
As an aside, assuming The Trump doesn’t win, maybe we can watch it all on Trump TV sometime next year. Maybe a political TV show? A comedy about a phony, not very smart guy with orange hair who had a reality TV show and decides he wants to run for President of the United States, because he thinks by being an even “bigger” celebrity he can grope and assault more women. Stay tuned, “House of Lard” can’t be far off…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
by R. C. Danon | Oct 19, 2016 | Brokennews

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Just answer the damn question…
So The Trump is the showman, the media has been the conduit, and The Trump’s followers, many of whom thought Sarah Palin was just terrific, are just as out of touch as their candidate.
When The Trump is asked a question, his answers today are just as empty as they were during the GOP primary almost a year and a half ago. They are brief, they lack understanding and depth, and he quickly turns back to criticizing Hillary, the media, Paul Ryan and anyone else he can think of, in an effort to direct attention away from his ignorance.
In the last month, the press has become appreciably tougher with their questioning, but it should have always been that way — Ask the question, and get the answer. Push until the real answer to the original question is on the table.
I hope that once this year’s election is over the press will maintain a tough and direct line of questioning with all those they interview, regardless of the topic. I know this will never actually happen, but wouldn’t you love, just once, to see an interviewer who is getting the brushoff say something like, “Please answer the question or go find another show. We are only interested in the truth.” Or when the “interrupters” and the “over-talkers” won’t stop, how about, “Shut off their mikes.” Again, it will never happen … but wouldn’t it be great?
More Trump… Not this week!
I’m going to stay away from The Trump/Billy Bush Pussy tapes, and the so-called “Locker room banter.” The guy is low class, he’s kind of stupid, and he gets way too much attention. So, no more Trump this week.
Aleppo, Mosul, and the daily, life threatening dangers that exist…

There is the relentless bombing of the people in Aleppo who cannot defend themselves. To this day I think that Obama made a mistake when he drew that “red line,” warning Assad about the use of chemical weapons. Read more here.
The president should have followed through with those so-called “enormous consequences,” but he did not. And now Russia seems to be running much of what takes place over there.
Then there is the dam just north of Mosul which, if damaged accidentally or, more likely, with intent, could cause flooding all the way south to Baghdad. That would immediately endanger hundreds and hundreds of thousands of lives. So the question becomes, “Is anyone watching out for and protecting the Mosul Dam?”
More and more, the world is becoming an extremely scary place and one of the scariest in my mind is the hydroelectric dam, north of Mosul. It “faces risk of catastrophic failure…” Read more here.
And my worry is that ISIS will destroy the Mosul Dam in the coming days.
When will it all stop…?
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
by R. C. Danon | Sep 28, 2016 | Brokennews

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Europeans cannot believe what is going on in this country…
On a recent trip to Greece, I easily spoke with 100-125 people +/-, regarding the upcoming election. No I did not interview them and no there was no so-called “scientific poll” taken. But they not only made their views clear, they were anxious to let me know what most people in their country were thinking.
The majority of those I spoke with were Greek or German. Many Germans visit the Greek Islands and that’s why their numbers were similar. But I also spoke with people from Poland, England, Austria, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, and China … and in almost every instance they expressed surprise that our election process seems totally out of control.
Easily over 95% of those I spoke with thought Donald Trump was a joke. They wondered why a country “supposedly” as great as the United States couldn’t come up with better candidates. And although most respected Hillary’s intelligence, knowledge, connections, work as the US Secretary of State, and her history working for women’s rights and the wellbeing of children, this Trump guy was beyond comprehension. The world is laughing at us.
As for the first debate…
It’s hardly worth discussing, other than to say the guy just can’t tell the truth. In addition, he showed no depth of understanding or comprehension of almost any word that came out of his mouth. And that was not just him trying to answer the questions asked, but his general demeanor and the topics he chose to address, as well.
Whenever something was asked or discussed and he had no knowledge, he reverted to China, Hillary’s emails, building a wall, law and order, etc., etc. And please take note … There is no new information on those topics. It’s all old news. Enough to said on the debate.
The bottom line…
Don’t you wonder how much The Trump is paying his current and former talking heads? It’s gotta be a fortune. Think about it, in no particular order — Jeffrey Lord, Kellyanne Conway, Corey Lewandowski, Sarah Huckabee, Katrina Pierson, Kayleigh McEnany, Roger Stone, etc., etc. And of course there is Paul Manafort, Trump’s Russian connection.
How much is he paying these people to front for him? It has to be a substantial amount because they, these so-called Trump supporters, become part of every lie that comes out of his mouth, every disgusting remark about women, blacks, Hispanics. Every lie and insult that they try and defend is inexcusable, because they know the truth.
I just don’t get it. Then again, The Trump doesn’t get much of it either. Go figure…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
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