by R. C. Danon | Jun 28, 2016 | Brokennews
Teletrumpter ‘Tele,trum(p)ter noun N. American

Photo courtesy of Spencer Glatt/Getty Images
Like the Teleprompter, a device used in television and moviemaking to project a speaker’s script out of sight of the audience, the Teletrumpter is somewhat similar to a teleprompter, except it is larger, with slower moving words, larger letters and various yellow light signals up and down the right and left side of the screen, indicating when the reader might smile, laugh, look stern, puff a lip, pout, sniffle or cry. The top and bottom of the screen has red light reminders, alerting the speaker or reader, to speak calm, try not to slobber or spit, don’t stray from the script and ad-lib, don’t be vile or disgusting, and most important… Try not to lie too, too much.
The Teletrumpter, which travels with The Trump whenever he has a speaking engagement was borrowed from the George W. Bush Presidential Library, where it was part of a much visited and admired exhibit, which featured W’s Etch-a-Sketch collection.
As for how The Trump uses this device: His advisors are encouraging him to ad lib no more… It is better (and safer) he should read. And it is ever so obvious as he reads, that he has very little knowledge of the words going into his eyes from the “Teleptrumpter”, and coming out that often blubbering, mouth that so often spews forth lies. His handlers are trying to make him look more in control, more Presidential if you will. But let us not be fooled… Trump is Trump. Be assured that sooner or later he will revert to the real Trump. At that point he will once again lose control, and God only knows what will spew forth from The Trump’s pucker.
More “Tid-Bits” as to why red flags are flying on both sides of the aisle…
As a Presidential candidate for the GOP, Donald Trump has lots of people worried, and not just those in Congress. But one prime example of someone who is most definitely worried is the Senate Majority Leader. This past Sunday, on ABC’s This Week, with George Stephanopoulos, George asked Senator McConnell (R Kentucky) if The Trump was qualified to be to be President. His answer was short and simple, “Look, I’ll leave that to the American people to decide...“ And of course it immediately reminded me of Barak Obama being elected President in 2008 and of McConnell’s failed attempt at keeping him from being re-elected in 2012, though as we all know, he was. Of course, when left “to the American people to decide…” It apparently made no impression on McConnell and his followers when it came to helping America. To this day, they continue to basically ignore our president and fight everything he tries to accomplish, every step of the easy.
Click here to see a segment of the interview with Stephanopoulos-McConnell
The bottom line…
A saying we have all heard over the years is that “you cannot tell a book by it’s cover…;” but you certainly can tell The Trump by the way he lies, speaks without thinking, back-pedals, changes positions, tries to divert or place blame, and likes to say he “heard” this, or he “heard” that.
Be assured that your worst nightmares about The Trump could turn out to be true. This frightening, comic book bad guy, is a bad guy. And aren’t we all tired of his insulting, lying, racist, bigoted, fascist persona? And who is he really? I firmly believe that Trump the Transbender leans way more to the left, than he does to the right, and that is something the GOP is most definitely worried about. Although I don’t believe he will beat Hillary, until the votes are counted, we should all be very, very afraid; all of us, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and whomever… This con man “Apprentice” is qualified for very little, other than being a world class bully.
So the next time he is reading one of those speeches written for him from the Teletrumpter, listen carefully to what he says about national or world events. Listen to his answers about how he will solve problems, deal with world leaders, negotiate international business and policy matters, and be prepared to be stunned. I mean, can you imagine?
Personally, I look forward to his debates with Hillary. The Trump will neither have any substantive answers to the really tough questions, nor a depth of understanding of the question. And it will be obvious that Hillary does, and she will call him on it. And that’s when the real Trumpster will once again show his ignorant and uninformed true self. And then the real Breaking News will be repeated over, and over, and over again, when he spews forth one insult after another as he once again, tries to divert an un-question, in attempt to change the subject.
The question then becomes – When will those supposed Trump supporters get off their tails, and realize what a threat to sanity, peace, literate comprehension, and preserving a pretty damn good way of life, this con artist is? Make America Great Again? How about America is great, let’s keep it that way and make it even better?
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter…
by R. C. Danon | Jun 21, 2016 | Brokennews
The Faces of Orlando… June 2016

Photo courtesy of: USA TODAY NETWORK Rick Neale, Florida Today
I chose not to write this weeks column until the very last minute. Why? Because I wanted to wait and see how the “gun bill vote went in the Senate last night. And although I had grand hopes, it went as I expected… Not well!
As reported by CNN, “Senators couldn’t muster enough bipartisan support to pass a series of gun control measures Monday, the latest in a long string of failed attempts at enacting tighter curbs on firearms in the United States…”
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, during a recent filibuster, citing Orlando, Sandy Hook, and other assault weapon related killings was hoping to see some bipartisan unity, take control and come up with something that would put even a small dent the in NRA backed influence that seems to control the voting habits of members of both parties.
Clearly it is mostly the GOP that sways the vote with NRA $$ backed influence when it comes to votes such as those that took place last night. And that pretty much says it all! Politicususa reported last night that the NRA has donated some $56 million dollars to the 56 Republican Senators who voted against the gun violence legislation Click here to learn more.
Recent polls have indicated that 90% of all Americans want this legislation as do 80% of gun owners. I remember back around the time of Sandy Hook that it was reported that 72% of the NRA membership supported more extensive background checks for those wishing to purchase a gun… So it seems to me that Wayne La Pierre really represents gun manufacturers to a greater degree than the NRA membership.
Again, Politicususa suggest that we “stop blaming the NRA for gun violence and focus on cowardly Republicans instead…” And my guess is that it’s not going to stop anytime soon, and maybe never Click here and see what you think.
Now for the most part, I really don’t have a problem with Americans having the right to own guns. What I have a difficult time understanding is why the many gun owners would feel the need to own an AR-15 assault rifle, or have a need for armor- piercing bullets. It really doesn’t make sense at all.
For more on AR-15 assault rifles Click here:
Read more on Armor piercing bullets Click here:
The Faces of Sandy Hook… December 2012

In Loving Memory of the Sandy Hook Elementary Victims. Photo courtesy of: @ILMSHEV
The bottom line…
Americans must take responsibility in the fight to curb gun violence and it can start with a vote. I always say if you don’t vote, don’t complain. Well if you are going to complain, then vote against, those responsible for allowing the lack of laws that are responsible for the deaths of so many. And those numbers include children, people of all colors, religions and sexual preference. And when assault weapons are spewing hundreds of bullets in all directions, in a matter of seconds or minutes, the bullets do not discriminate. And in many, many cases, the shooter should never have had a gun to begin with.
So I say God Bless America… And to hell with any elected official in this country that continues to allow lax, uncaring, and insensitive, NRA, influenced, $$ backed legislation that allows the cold blooded murder of anyone, anywhere.
I would ask that it you haven’t read my earlier column on Sandy Hook and the National Rifle Association titled: “From his cold dead hand“, please click here:
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter…
by R. C. Danon | Jun 13, 2016 | Brokennews
One can only need imagine…
Dat, ta da dat, ta da daaaa…, Dat, ta da dat, ta da daaaa…, Dat, ta da dat, ta da daaaaaaaa… Yup, it’s him! It is” Oh my gosh! It’s Prejudent Trump… Hail to the creep!
Dat, ta da ta da, ta da… Whatever! Yada, yada, yada.
Noun- Prejudent… The leader of the (so-called) free world, who repeatedly, unjustly, unknowingly and knowingly, and without remorse, spreads hate through a preconceived opinion based on ignorance, not based on reason or actual experience. Ta daaaa… Guess who?
So toward whom has The Trump shown prejudice or bigotry towards? Well without naming names, and in alphabetical order- this jerk repeatedly has made prejudicial remarks directed at: American Indians, Blacks, Cubans, the Disabled, Federal Judges, Hispanics, Muslims, most any Opponent, the Press, and of course, Women. Oh how wanna-be Prejudent Trump likes to make prejudice trash talk about women. And where were Ryan, McConnell, Gingrich, and others when The Trump was mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski?
Behind closed doors…
Now I could easily name several dozen names which we have repeatedly seen or heard trashed in the news during this Presidential Primary season, but I won’t… We all know who they are, and who they will continue to be. But one can only guess the overwhelming numbers who have been trashed over the decades by this lout, prior to his run towards the White House. And considering that it is a “white” house, can we imagine what moniker The Trump might come up with, if he were elected, and moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, following the first president of color?
I mean, this guy Trump, is the worst, most disgusting, vile person, to think about leading our country, that has ever come down the pike. And now he will probably be the (only*) GOP candidate. How embarrassing it must be for Paul Ryan and his pals to have to stand behind this guy. Those Americans who plan to vote for The Trump, remarkably do not seem to realize what a bad person he is. For what it’s worth, I actually do know a few Republicans and Democrats who say they would never vote for Hillary, and that Trump is their man. Many of those people know nothing of the lies, or the issues. But why would they, when their ignorance of the issues is second only to the guy they want to vote for? Pretty scary times…
The bottom line…
Now I could go on, and on, but let me close with the idea that this blustering pile of prejudice needs to be stopped from becoming President, the highest political office in “our” land. And the people that can do this are the Republicans. That’s right, the GOP must come out in force, under the leadership of Paul Ryan. The simple words are “enough is enough… We can not risk letting this ignorant racist, prejudicial man gain command of our country and especially our military…”
* In force, the GOP can do what it takes to stop him. A strong third party candidate, stacked, backed and sponsored by the powers that be, within the GOP, could take enough votes away from The Trump. Yes, it will hand the Presidency to the Democrats. But at the same time, it will tell this country, and the rest of the world, that the GOP really cares. It will set a precedent that is unheard of in any previous election in this country, and possibly in any democracy. This electoral season is unlike anything that has come before it. It is ridiculous and very scary to think of The Trump as President. It would be The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, of American politics.
The GOP needs to re-vamp, alter their direction, and their principals. They need to set out and find what Americans want and need… Everyday Americans, and not just the white millionaires who fund their campaigns The GOP needs to sacrifice the short term, in favor of the long-term. And that would be what’s best for the majority of Americans and the saving of our country… to keep America Great…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter…
by R. C. Danon | Jun 7, 2016 | Brokennews

So let’s call it what it really is… But what is it?
Are you kidding me? “INHERENT RESOLVE” – that is the name the Pentagon and the U.S. Central Command came up with for their long-term military campaign to deal with ISIS?
The Chicago Sun-Times reported in October 2014, “The naming, which took weeks of deliberation behind closed doors…” INHERENT RESOLVE? That doesn’t even come close to stacking up with the “resolve” in the name which apparently inspires and drives the ISIS troops to action. Their nickname, or so it would seem- “Let’s kick their asses and cut their heads off…” And ISIS apparently doesn’t care whose ass they kick or whose head they cut off, or who they drown in a cage lowered into a swimming pool.
Now to be certain, I am not making fun of all this. No humor in seeing anyone have their head cut off. No humor in the slaughter perpetrated by ISIS, or any troops, in any war or conflict, at any time in history. But come on guys… INHERENT RESOLVE?
What ever happened to the minds that came up with “Desert Storm” or “Shock and Awe”? And those were just the names, I’m not even mentioning the outstanding leadership and tactics that made short work of the enemy in those conflicts.
So what is in name?
Well, we had, and still have, “The Fog of Ego” – my name for what would be Bush, Chaney, and Rumsfeld’s Iraq War, also known as Operation Iraqi Freedom, under the guise of “let’s go get those weapons of mass destruction…” Total B.S.!! And for those who care to enlist a little research- here are a few things to consider before and after the U.S. Went into Iraq, in April 2003, which has left us where we are today… Fighting in a number of countries.
1. The United States had been operating a “no-fly zone” over Iraq since 1991- I believe I heard or read somewhere that the annual cost was around two billion dollars a year, but it appeared to be keeping Hussein & Co., in check. A BIG amount of $ for sure, but no where near what that war cost since the invasion in 2003, and I’m not adding in the cost of stolen cash, weapons or supplies. And how do you place a price on the lives of the lost and wounded? Shouldn’t someone, somewhere be held accountable for lives lost due to the fabrication of circumstances? The bottom line- With the no-fly zone, Saddam was going no where and the threat of him actually going after the United States, Israel or any of his Arab neighbors seemed pretty remote.
2. Within days of 09/11, American Special-ops troops in Afghanistan were making a pretty good go of it with regard to hunting down Osama Bin Laden. That is of course until they were called off. Somehow, all of a sudden, the real villain was in Iraq. That Saddam Hussein sure was a really bad guy… And clearly at fault!
3. Numerous American statesmen have been in bed with the Saudis for years, before, during and after “W”. It’s not just a republican thing; this one clearly crosses party lines. Please make a mental note- 15 of the 19, 09/11 terrorists were Saudis, and hours after 9/11, the Bush administration helped fly Bin Laden family members safely out of the US and back to their mideast homes. Since then, any number of known, or captured terrorists have been of Saudi decent. And now we must ask our selves what about the redacted 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission report? the-9-11-report.html
4. And lastly, let me suggest a book, for reading or reference: The title, THE IRAQ WAR READER History, Documents Opinions, edited by Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf, and published by TOUCHSTONE. While referencing this book some years ago, several chapters/”Documents” caught my attention.
a. On page 199- An Open Letter To President Clinton: Remove Saddam From Power. This letter was dated January 26, 1998, and was signed by Elliott Abrams, Richard Armitage, William J. Bennett, John Bolton, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, to name about half of the signees. The letter to President Clinton urged him to “implement a strategy for removing Saddam’s regime from power.” Again, the letter was dated 01-26-1998.
b. On page 222- An Open Letter To President Bush: “Lead The World To Victory”. This letter was dated September 20, 2001 only nine days after the World Trade Center Towers fell to the ground… “We agree with Secretary of State Powell that the United States must find and punish the perpetrators of the horrific attack of September 11…” Another entry mentioned Iraq, “But even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq”. Many of those who signed the Clinton letter in 1998, (but not all) also signed this letter, dated 09-20-2001.
c. On page 243 is an article originally published in the Weekly Standard, on January 21, 2002, titled What To Do About Iraq, written by Robert Kagan and William Kristol. Mr. Kristol was then, and still is the founder and the Editor of the Weekly Standard. Once again- more push about WMD, invade Iraq, oust Hussein, etc., etc., etc.
The weekly Standard is a conservative magazine and blog
I’m quite sure you get it by now- Neocons, continually pushing to go into Iraq. Well their dream came true when they got their paws/claws on “W”; they had the perfect vehicle to carry out their plan. They had young George, who might, have felt he had a lot to prove. They had a master ventriloquist in Dick Cheney and that guy can say “W M D”, through his sneer, without even moving his lips. And they had Donald “The Fog of Ego” Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense and a signee to the Clinton letter mentioned above, written 01-26-1998.
In April of 2003, the plan of attack at the time seemed sound. But as we very quickly learned, there was no “what next?” thought given or considered… Duh! And as a result thousands, and thousands of people from numerous countries are dead, still dying and will continue to die, until some allied force, from somewhere, can ban together and wipe out ISIS, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda.
What might be next…?
I’d like to think, that at this very moment, President Obama and his military commanders are silently moving troops, weapons and “boots,” into the areas around and in Baghdad, and are getting ready to deal with ISIS, with some real resolve. It’s about time. And if they’re not, and if American heads roll in Mosul or Baghdad, then what next? INHERENTLY SCREWED?
Or maybe it’s the CRUSADES PT 2…
Pakistan, March 27, 2016 Taliban terrorist SUICIDE bombers set off bombs in a park in Pakistan. First report: 67 dead, 315 injured. And the apparent goal was to kill Christians. So what are we all to think? “We” being the operative word. Because the “we” is the rest of the world. So how do “we” deal with this global terrorism? And what terror is coming next?
The bottom line…
For the record Mr. President, right or wrong, I personally do agree with this criticism- “we should stop telling the enemy when and where we’re coming and going next.” Stop telling, and stop warning the enemy! Stop giving them time to get ready! Stop giving them the time to plant more roadside bombs! Stop giving them more time to rig explosive devices in the homes and ruins! Stop! Stop! Stop! Just do it!! And if your concerns are collateral damage, get more tactical… But please stop endangering the lives of those brave Special Ops. troops who are going in under the most dangerous of circumstances. And in case no one is concerned… What are the Iraqis and the United States doing to protect the the Mosul hydro-electric dam, from both structural problems and ISIS?
So what comes next? Will it ever end? INHERENT RESOLVE? How about a little Shock and Awe ass kicking?
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
by R. C. Danon | May 31, 2016 | Brokennews
Photo taken from an article written by Todd Starnes and found on
So what is a transbender…? Trans’ bender- Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of which direction to lean or bend does not correspond with his stated preferences or history. A person who is a mismatch between who he really is and those he wishes to mislead or sway to a different point of view.
As in… “The Trump” is leaning or bending to the right. Or, he’s leaning or bending to the left (Not so much at the moment however. But I guarantee you, he will again). Or, he leans or bends with the wind. Or, he leans to the politics of the people he might be addressing at any given time. Or, the Trump leans or bends to attack in a most disgusting manner; depending if you are a woman, an Hispanic, someone who is disabled, an opponent, a news talking-head, and just about anyone who might disagree with him. And he’s been known on occasion to quickly bend back the other way, to a less drastic point of view, if too many people he was hoping to sway, seem to be distressed with his bent point of view.
Or: The Trump recently stated that he is open to raising taxes on wealthy Americans, backing off his prior proposal to reduce taxes on all Americans.
Or: The Trump not long ago stated that he felt women should be punished for seeking an abortion. Then leaned, or bent back the other way, stating that the doctor who performed an abortion should be held responsible.
Or: When the Trump clearly and vehemently stated, “Until our government can figure how how to deal with them, all Muslims should be banned from entering the United States…” He then bent back, a bit more to the left, stating that it really was only a suggestion.
And most recently, “Breaking News” everywhere jumped all over an apparent 25 year old recording of the Trump pretending to be someone else while talking to a reporter on the phone. And of course, when questioned, he assured us that it wasn’t him… “No, it doesn’t sound like my voice at all. I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice, and you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams.” So I ask you the reader… Who do you think really cares about this guys behavior?
The bottom line… The Trump is a lying, misleading, vulgar, demeaning, flip flopper and his supporters could care less… That’s right! They like the guy! He is the TEFLON Trump and it appears he can get away with almost anything and everything. And it’s not difficult to understand why millions of voters want an outsider. Well, consider those he appeals to… In the eyes of many Americans, Donald Trump pales in comparison to our Congress, and the cheap, sleazy crooked politicians (of both parties) who have been mismanaging our country for years and years. And when one considers the monkey wrench that Mitch McConnell and his feeble followers keep throwing into the wheels of progress, it’s easy to understand why folks want someone different. And the Trump is certainly different. And please let’s stop blaming Obama for everything. That holds no water and will be addressed at another time.
Everyone, in both parties should be working together to keep the Trump out of Washington. But I suspect that Paul Ryan and the GOP don’t have the integrity to walk away from this lout. They’ll back him, and if he wins (and he might, as difficult as that is to imagine), we are all in for an interesting ride… Republicans especially, and Democrats as well, should be oh, so, worried.
So “transbend” away Trump man… Just don’t take us all down with you.
For me personally, I hope Bernie drops out very soon and puts his heart into convincing his supporters to back Hillary. It’s clearly the right thing to do. And if he is the man he has been telling everyone he is, then he needs to help keep our country in safe, sane and experienced hands. Anything else by Bernie would be deceitful. And to my Bernie friends, I ask that you also read the following: And whatever your feelings might be about Hillary, are you ready to be Trumped? It’s clear the GOP isn’t happy about the possibility. And that’s clearly a red flag… So get out there and vote for the one person who can step into the job without missing a beat and hope for the best. And for what it’s worth, if you don’t vote, don’t complain. You have a responsibility, so live up to it, get involved, speak up, put your two cents in, and pull that lever for democracy.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter…
by R. C. Danon | May 24, 2016 | Brokennews

It was December 14, 2012. The shootings had been over for some time now, and various law enforcement agencies had their people walking around the school halls and classrooms. The evidence techs were taking measurements and photographs at this sad and grizzly scene. We would learn the body count later, but nothing being reported from outside the building seemed even remotely promising. As we learned more and more each day, one thing became quite clear… Enough already!!
An evidence technician lifted the now lifeless hand of the shooter from the .223 caliber Bushmaster “assault rifle,” used to murder twenty lower-school-aged children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Looking down on the dead-by-suicide corpse laying at his feet, a police officer might have thought to himself, “assault rifle. Yes, this was definitely an ‘assault’ of unbelievable, and tragic proportion.” He would then place the weapon on a plastic tarp, next to the shooter’s cold dead body.
Now I don’t really know if that’s what took place at the scene. I can only imagine. But think about my opening line: “From his cold dead hand…” Former NRA president Charlton Heston was known to bugle similar words on more than one occasion, and I used to think, “You go Charlton! Give em hell! Pontificate away big man. Let everyone know that when you mess with the NRA, you’re messing with Charlton Heston, and when you mess with Charlton Heston, you’re messing with Moses. And a gun- toting Moses ain’t nobody to mess with.”
And so it goes… Follow CEO and Executive Vice President of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, to the gates of hell as he fights to save your Second Amenment rights: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Wayne would tell you those sacred words were adopted into the US Constitution just over 224 years ago, on December 15, 1791, to be exact, and that there is no need to change anything. He won’t, of course, address the fact that there have been a few changes over the years… little things like semiautomatic and automatic weapons with large clips to hold more bullets. And of course the armor piercing bullets weren’t available back in George Washington’s day. He doesn’t want to talk about any killings, some of which have been mass murders like those at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. He won’t tell you about the never ending drive-by shootings and gang violence in Chicago. But he’ll fight for the right of every NRA member, and every American, to own an Uzi submachine gun and armor piercing bullets. Anyone know the last time a hunter shot at Bambi using an Uzi?
How about the truth for a change… As reported in the New York Times on August 07, 2012, Wayne LaPierre said in his four-page plea for cash, that President Obama’s re-election would result in the “confiscation” of weapons and a possible ban on semi-automatic weapons. “The future of your Second Amendment rights will be at stake,” the letter stated. “And nothing less than the future of our country and our freedom will be at stake.” It was a statement geared to defeat Obama from being re-elected, and nothing more. But as we all know, President Barak Obama was re-elected… BIG TIME!!
Up until December 14, 2012, the day of those senseless murders of innocent school children, and their daily protectors, LaPierre’s statement was nowhere near the truth. If anything, President Obama has been lax on gun control issues. But now, President Obama and Americans everywhere should be demanding some sort of organized, bipartisan effort to control guns, to make all of our lives safer. In fact, if the NRA really had the “bullets” (so to speak) and the safety and well-being of Americans in their heart, they would lead the way in that effort.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that will happen. But I do believe the NRA has a responsibility to help formulate and put forth a plan to assure that the all too frequent incidents like these senseless killings never, ever, happen, again.
The time for serious talk is long gone. It was yesterday, it is today, it is tomorrow… When asked shortly after the December 14, 2012, violent assault in Newtown, Connecticut, White House spokesman, Jay Carney said, “Today is not the day” to discuss gun legislation. He indicated that the various issues would be discussed… “the usual policy debates.”
Jay is right of course… but that day for discussion was December 13th, and long before. And there could have been a discussion on July 12, 2012, the day before the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shootings, or the day before the January 08, 2011 shootings in Tucson, Arizona, when Gabby Gifford was shot point blank in the head. Congresswoman Gifford survived, but others did not. The day for discussion was the day before the senseless murders at Columbine on April 20, 1999, and the other senseless shootings between then and now.
Since Columbine, there have been more than 35 mass shootings in the U.S. Several hours after the tragic killings that took place in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012, President Obama addressed the nation and the world. “We’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent tragedies like this, regardless of politics …”
I agree with the President. But when will it happen? And will it happen at all? That’s a tough one, but if shooting six and seven year old children “multiple times with an assault rifle” doesn’t lead to “meaningful action,” then nothing will. And God help us all.
So Wayne LaPierre, how about you put down your gun and drag your cold beating heart up to the podium, and tell those parents, relatives and friends, of the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School that the NRA will do everything they can, to promote real gun safety. Maybe an “assault weapon ban” would be a good start. And extensive background checks would certainly help. But to be clear, I am not suggesting that the right of gun ownership should be taken away. But better and stronger laws and a system that truly punishes those who break the law would go a long way. And personally I think I’d feel better if I believed Wayne-boy truly represented his membership more and gun manufacturers less. After all, who is paying his salary. Yea! Who is paying his salary?
The bottom line…
A week to the day after the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Wayne LaPierre held a news conference- school-shooting-2012-12.
What follows is in no way being said to make a joke of the horrible tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. It is nothing more than an example of putting the shoe on the other foot, or for the sake of this conversation, putting the gun in someone else’s hands. So, imagine if…
A pretty, little, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, ten-year old girl wearing sneakers, Levis, and a pale yellow t- shirt with an image of Bambi on the front, along with the words…”I’m a little dear from Sandy Hook,” walks into the NRA press conference. She is carrying a long, narrow, pale green gym bag.
In attendance, with the usual, numerous drooling press, are a number of NRA members with all eyes focused on the guest speaker, Wayne LaPierre, adjusting the microphone in his cold, live, hand. The little girl cannot be seen as she is short and in the back of the hall. Quietly, she places the gym bag on the floor and pulls out a brand new, high-pressure, “Super Soaker Water Rifle,” originally known as a Power Blaster. The Super Soaker uses pressurized air (or Pneumatics) to force water out of the rifle’s barrel when being fired.
This particular water weapon has been customized with a double-pressure “air” clip, and an over-size reservoir filled with deer urine (hunters can purchase deer urine as a tool to attract deer). She slings the rifle strap over her shoulder, holding it in both hands, and boldly walks down a side isle, and up towards the speaker’s podium.
As Mr. LaPierre turns to greet her, and ask her to step back, she begins to unload the liquid in the Super Soaker reservoir. She shoots Wayne right between the eyes and all over his now grimacing face, including a full-frontal soaking. She then turns and easily nails the press and attending NRA members as they fail to run for cover, not realizing what the liquid was that was spraying all those close to the podium. Breaking News! They all quickly got the message.
So here’s the question Mr. LaPierre: Pissed off, or pissed on?
There’s only one answer… You bet!

(Photo Credit: Donkey Hotey)
By the way, if you were expecting a dissertation on the NRA and the Trump’s usual lack of knowledge, “Fuhgeddaboudit…” Forget about it – the issue is not worth the time, energy, mental effort, or emotional resources. So says the urban DICTIONARY. And the Trump, as usual is the real “doofus …”, as he proves over, and over and over again.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter…
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