by R. C. Danon | Mar 27, 2017 | Brokennews, For Proof

It has not been a good week. But don’t blame me… (AFP)
Korea, Obamacare, and Russia…
I started to write my post to last week’s blog about how I perceived the threat of North Korea and their nuke buildup… but with the overwhelming news blasts about North Korea’s failed attempt at another missile launch, the F.B.I. & N.S.A. hearing on possible Russian connections to the Trump organization and of course the failed attempt at “Repeal and Replace,” I decided to take the week off, and just sit back and try and take it all in. It’s been somewhat exhausting. And with regard to The Trump, it’s much ado about nothing…
Day by day, and week by week, the United States is slowly being flushed down the toilet by Trump, and the politicians of both parties. No one seems to care enough to do anything about it, at least not yet. And by the way, this is nothing new- its been going on for years. But now we can truly and wholeheartedly thank our current President for bringing this to the forefront. His actions, inactions, and his inabilities only bring attention to the overall inadequacies of our government, as a whole, from top to bottom, and across the country. People everywhere seem to be nervous, even afraid of what will happen to their medical coverage, as well as other possible blind-sides down the road. Their stomachs are tied in knots, feeling that each day of Trump-chaos lacks leadership and direction.
I am saddened and embarrassed for my country.
The current “so-called” President of the United States is a liar of the highest order, an ignorant and unaware, narcissistic blowhard, a bully, a misogynist, and any other negative, descriptive words you and I might come up with. He is, and we are, as a country, the laughing stock of the world, and it becomes ever so obvious our country will go nowhere under the current leadership. Primarily because there is no true leadership.
I mean really! Think about it… THE BIG DEAL MAKER, thinks he can ride roughshod over any and all who question his words, his actions, or his intentions. What’s so amazing about all this is how little he actually knows or understands about his responsibilities, and the daily goings-on of our country and the world. He speaks and tweets like a 6th grader. He lies and deflects like there is no accountability. And he directs others in the White House to lie for him to help deflect from the latest revelation of his possible wrong-doing.

The Affordable Care Act? Yes, it was all an act! (
7 years of wasted time…
The GOP had 7 years to come up with a plan that would be as good or better than they felt Obamacare was, and they blew it. Their moaning, bitching and repeated attempts to “repeal” led to nothing more than a hurried up “Repeal & Replace” package apparently put together in a few months, that looked far worse than the actual Affordable Care Act. They had 7 years…!
In all fairness to The Trump, it didn’t fail because of his actions or inactions. He never understood it to begin with. Oh he made big promises and big threats, and he even tried to blame the Democrats at first, and now blames the Conservatives. Trump hasn’t been around long enough to have real grasp or understanding of the issues. But in the end, as reported by POLITICO, it was How a secret Freedom Caucus pact brought down Obamacare repeal:
There have been 50+ votes to repeal Obamacare, and now it seems to be with us for awhile longer, and that’s not such a bad thing:
A lack of intelligence…
I’m not going to go into the Russian Debate at this time, but I will soon. It continues to develop more-and-more, and I’m betting on a political-intelligence scandal like this country has never seen before, followed by a Trump resignation and or possible impeachment proceedings before the summer of 2018.
The bottom line…
At least for the time being, we’re stuck with what we’ve got… so now might be a good time for one and all to start thinking about Term Limits… Currently terms limits only exist for the President, with two, 4 year terms, and that’s it. But Senators and House members can run for office over, and over again… Six years for Senators, and two years for House members times however many times they like. One-third of the Senate is elected every two years. The entire house is up for election each time. Changes need to be made.
I’d like to see a two-term 6 year presidency. Senators can stay at 6 years but with a two-term limit, or possibly three at the most. House members could have no more than three, 4-year terms in office. State governors also would be limited to three 4 year terms. All federal elections would continue to be held in November and all terms would begin in January. The bottom line, no one would ever hold the same office for more than 3 terms. And if the office holder wanted to run for a different office, they would be required to wait 4 years before running for office again.
As for campaigns: No campaigning until the beginning of November the year before one’s final year of their term in office, and there would be financial restrictions on donations as well as spending. Lastly, all primaries would be limited to take place during the three month period of May, June and July with conventions in August. And I’m quite sure that well structured primaries could bring more order overall.
Recall Rules are open for discussion. But voting rights are not. Bottom line… Every citizen has a right to vote. As for how one proves they are a US Citizen- While in high school, and no later than the month of their 18th birthday, each individual will receive a U.S. Citizen ID card, acquired with proof, using either a birth certificate or a social security card.
A Social Security card can be issued to U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents. In the future, a Social Security would have to be highlighted or coded to indicate that the card holder is in fact a U.S. Citizen. Those who come to this country and legally become US citizens would receive the same ID card. That card is good for life and can be updated with a current photograph every 8-10 years.
And no more electoral college… Majority rules!! Think positive, be strong, and please think about putting a stop to the circus in Washington, D.C. Enough already from both parties. Let’s get our country back on track and be proud Americans, and not embarrassed Americans.
The North Korean posting will follow in a few days.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is – * DumpTrump- No definition required.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
by R. C. Danon | Mar 13, 2017 | Brokennews
TweetyBird accused me of what?
Please believe me… Obama did it!
It’s a bit of a stretch…
There has been so much BS coming from Team-Trump that it boggles the imagination. Conway, Spicer and other Team members like Jeffery Lord and Kayleigh McEnany, seem to have no problem lying, twisting and misrepresenting the truth, for their boss, Donald J. Trump, a.k.a., The Trump, Don-Boy, the US Apprentice, POTUS45, and the ever popular, TweetyBird..
President Trump is the Master of Deflection. He tweets *PhonEbugs… his never ending lies, to deflect from the possible realities that lead others to dig even deeper into what goes on in Trump World. So TweetyBird said that former President Barak Obama bugged Trump Tower. Well that really is a bit of a stretch. And now he’s backing off of that. But what if Trump Tower was bugged?
Taking into consideration the endless Russian connection stories that appear over and over… Has anyone considered that maybe the Russians bugged Trump Tower? Now granted, this “Obama bugged me” deflection wasn’t likely under any scenario, but anything is made to seem possible in Trump World. So lets add the Russians to the possible, but unlikely list of potential buggers.
In the meantime, our so-called President got 8-9 days of “deflection.” Which took at least some of the attention away from AG Sessions. But thanks to numerous intrepid journalists, who continue to dig up even more Russian connections among the Trump surrogates, the Trump-Team BS continues, as more of the truth seems to leak out.
I do so look forward to the end of all this, and hopefully the end of the Trump Presidency. It can’t end soon enough. Especially when you take into consideration, that the guy just doesn’t get it.

I wish I could understand what this Obama guy was talking about..
Photo courtesy of: Getty Images
So what really “bugs” POTUS45…? POTUS 44, of course. The list of differences would be endless, but consider the following: 44 is bright, caring, intelligent, (was) interested in his job and the world, and smart enough to want to know more, as well as understanding the importance of knowing more; 44 is an eloquent speaker, considerate of others, tells a good story or joke (The White House Correspondents Dinner), knows how to reach out to help others or ask others for help. And clearly Barak Obama knew how to delve into the understanding and planning of a military operation to capture or kill Osama bi Laden. He knew how to depend on others in the planning and implementation of that of operation, as well as accepting the responsibility, one way or the other.
President Trump? None of they above!

You White House Correspondents really “bug me…” (SNL-NBC)
Looking ahead…
Speaking of the White House Correspondents Dinner… I can’t wait. As I’m sure you already know The Trump wont be attending, and I predict it will be outstanding. I also predict that TweetyBird will be there, by way of Alec Baldwin or Darryl Hammond, and maybe even Sean Spicer (Melissa McCarthy) to introduce POTUS45.
Of course, if that were to happen, I suspect that all correspondents, everywhere will be banned from the White House forever. We shall see.
The bottom line… “Who will save us from Trump?
That question was asked in a headline, in a Chicago Sun-Times Op-Ed piece on March 11, written by Gene Lyons. Regarding Trump’s tweets blaming President Obama for bugging Trump Tower, Lyons suggested- “Only an impulsive fool would blurt out such an incendiary charge with no evidence whatsoever.” Lyons went on to mention “Most professionals who have weighed in on Trump’s mental health mention narcissistic personality disorder.” Lyons then referred to what the Mayo Clinic’s website says about that particular disorder. To read the full, Lyons editorial, and the Mayo Clinic reference click here:
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is – * PhonEbug – An all too common bug which the TweetyBird doesn’t get, can’t digest, and spits out.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
by R. C. Danon | Mar 7, 2017 | Brokennews

Tweety Bird at rest… (
“Nobody can give a speech like me…!”
Got that right pal… A Trump by any other speech is still a Trump. Please don’t be fooled by his address to Congress on February 28th….
On-the-job training for the US Apprentice…
When he does “speak”, he is often reading from a piece of paper, or a teletrumpter, and he is always instructed to “stay on track, do not stray from the words in front of you, do not ad-lib, do not stray from your script…” His inflection and general lack of interest in what he is saying comes across as someone who not only doesn’t know much about what he is saying but also that he’d rather be somewhere else… Maybe lying in his bed watching CNN, Rachel Maddow, The Apprentice, or some other show he can tweet and criticize.
In all fairness, The Trump read a semi-decent speech before Congress last week… good words, but little if any detail, and a lot of wishful thinking. In the end, my gut tells me that there were very few topics or parts of that speech, which The Trump could break down and explain.
A Trump by any other name is still a Trump…
That said, my money is on the other Trump. That would be the one who lives in different world than the majority of us live in. The one who is “tweeting” attacks on others, early in the AM, His life is about always being right, never to be criticized, and especially never questioned about the size of his adoring, inaugural crowd, or his Electoral College win. He Is The Man!! Just ask him… “Nobody” stands in front of a gold plated urinal like The Trump.
Tweety Bird is at it again…
So much for taking a tweet-break… On the morning of March 4th, *TweetyBird was at it again. Our “so-called President” a.k.a., POTUS45, has accused President Barak Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower- As CNN reported – FBI Director James Comey was ‘incredulous’ over Trump’s tweets.
So lets assume that Trump Tower was bugged. If it was, I would also assume that it just might have something to do with the numerous Russian connections by the so-called Trump surrogates, and maybe The Trump himself. And if it was an authorized wiretap, it would indicate a justified-cause to investigate. Whatever the case, it will only be a matter of hours or days before we know if there really was bugging and which Investigative Department ordered it. That said, I’m wondering when more Republicans will hop on the “Let’s get rid of this lout” bandwagon, and get a real leader at the helm, before it really is too late.

I forgot to tell you what…? (
The bottom line…
What a week- BIG SPEECH– big mouth, small mind, no plans, just the usual, toned down a bit. And **Li’Nsession– Another top level, lying, forgetful soul with Russian connections. Seems to me that regardless of whether the President is a Republican or a Democrat, he or she would want to appoint top level personnel who have good memories, who will tell the truth, especially when under oath. And at that level, how does one forget meeting a Russian Ambassador, known to be a top spy and spy recruiter? Kinda difficult to fathom.
Then there is the supposed, Obama wiretapping… Crossed wires maybe? Or more BS as TweetyBird, sinks deeper and deeper into the Russian-connection, liars moat? Just 5 weeks into this sham of a presidency, the chaos continues, and the obvious fact that there is little or no understanding (at the top) of how our government works or is meant to work, distractions continue to seriously hamper the job of governing. Does the “buck stop” there? Or does it stop anywhere in the world where the Trump logo appears? That’s my guess, and that might also be in Russia. So follow the gold brick road, look for the TRUMP logo on money clips, and not on hotels, at least for the time being. “For Trump, Three Decades of Chasing Deals in Russia” Click here to read the full New York Times article. NYT-
Maybe for another time…
Based on these first 5 weeks, I would ask you to consider the following- The overall attitude of the GOP pushing hard to get their way should baffle the voter’s minds no more than how the DNC operates. The true bottom line… We need term limits on all elected officials in Washington, and probably the entire United States. And I would start with a one-term, six year presidency, and work down from there with regard to Senators and Congressman- Maybe a three term limit. Seems to me, regardless of the party, our elected officials in Washington are out for themselves, and worried more about getting re-elected than bringing good government to to their states and their constituents. After all, aren’t our representatives supposed to represent us? Well it ain’t happening… More on this topic in the coming weeks.
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerds are – *TweetyBird and **Li’Nsession
* TweetyBird (a.k.a., POTUS45U) – The orange-headed tweeter is a silly, often offensive and vulgar creature, lacking knowledge, direction, and purpose. It squawks “Nobody” and tweets mindlessly, in search of another distraction.
** Lin session– Pronounced- Lie-N-Session When an apparent liar, at the top-tier of an organization, can’t keep his words or lies straight and falls back to “I don’t remember…” AG Sessions just can’t get it straight. So if he’s lying, get rid of the bum. And if like his surrogate buddy Gen. Flynn, a.k.a. FlynnFlam, he is forgetful, don’t believe it… Get rid of the bum.
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
by R. C. Danon | Feb 27, 2017 | Brokennews

Yeah, I’m the king and don’t forget it…
This guy has to go, and I believe he will. And it won’t be soon enough…
I’ve started this weeks post 3-4 times and just couldn’t seem to get where I wanted to go. Ever since the President’s news conference Thursday (02-16-17), which seemed to border on the insane and the ridiculous, I have changed one lead-in after another. But today, a week late, I have gotten to where I needed to be.
His Majesty (so he thinks) Donald Trump…
First and foremost, this dolt-of-a-man understands little of the world around him. More-often- than-not, his answers lack any depth of understanding, and his relentless attacks on the media border on the ridiculous. The tougher the question, the more his ignorance and rudeness rise to the surface as he looks for ways to deflect the relevance of real questions and issues- so now he just blames everything on a “corrupt and dishonest media.” And then there are always his fall-back topics- The “huge” number of people on the Mall at this inauguration or his “great” electoral college win, or still yet “Voter fraud in the millions…” And let us not forget Trump’s criticism of Arnold and The Apprentice ratings… BIG news, international significance? BS!
When real issues are addressed, we are supposed to take comfort in the fact that- “Nobody” but nobody, can do anything better than Donald Trump. And there are millions who believe this line of crap to be true. Nobody? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

“Nobody” has a mouth like this guy…
In the end, I believe Donald J. Trump will be nobody, other than a has been…
“Nobody loves the First Amendment better than me…” Or maybe you’ve heard- “Nobody reads Bible more than me…” Then there is the ever popular- “Nobody respects women more than than I do…” These lines of self-unawareness play out like a music TV station pitching hits from the 50’s-60’s, as they scroll down your TV screen…
“Nobody’s done more for equality than me…”
“Nobody’s bigger or better at the military than me…”
“Nobody builds walls better than me…”
“Nobody’s stronger than me…”
“Nobody’s fighting for the veterans like I’m fighting for the veterans…’
“Nobody’s more conservative than me…”
Give this a play to watch and hear the master spread his BS___ Its all pretty unbelievable; especially when one considers the millions of people who are buying into it.
The bottom line…
Topics like racism and anti-semitism continue to lead me to the conclusion that race and religion really aren’t a part of The Trump’s being. I say that only because he is so ignorant in so many ways. He shows no interest in learning anything, about anything, whether its about race, religion or the way our country’s military and intelligence services work. Yes, his daughter converted to Judaism when she married Jarred Kushner, but when Trump references that fact or reads something someone else wrote for him to say, you can easily detect that lack of understanding in his presentation. As for racism… probably got it from his father, the apparent, racist landlord. But the fact remains, in any conversation, its always about himself, first and foremost.
I think basically the guy likes very few people, and has use for even fewer… Unless they can do something for him. This sociopathetic, narcissistic, so-called President may be the worst, saddest and most dangerous thing to happen to the United States since 9/11. And yes, with all my criticism I do want him to succeed in keeping America great. But I’m quite sure he doesn’t have it in him. Only time will tell, if and when a real, non-partisan investigation into Trump and Russia unfolds. Let us keep our fingers crossed.
One last note… As Iraqi troops close in on ISIS troops embedded in Mosul, I will refer you to my blog post of October 19, 2017- “When will it stop…” which pointed out what I perceive to be a potentially, dangerous and incredibly serious problem. That would be the possible ISIS destruction of the Mosul Damn, just north of Mosul. Read about it here:
I hope you’ll subscribe to the BrokenNews Blog below… If you do, be sure and look for the email confirmation to be sent acknowledging your subscription. All subscribers will then receive the latest news and updates from before they go on-line.. Thank you…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s Newerd is- *The *GunsOfNavarro…
That would be Ana Navarro… One very bright, tough, and outstanding Republican Strategist who is not afraid to fire both barrels of justified criticism at our so-called President. Right from the beginning Ana Navarro has been appalled at the behavior of candidate Trump, and now POTUS45… And she’s not afraid to speak her mind. She is just another example of a party strategist who is so intelligent, articulate, well informed, opinionated, and way more than just competent. Here is a good example of The GunsOfNavarro, in action, when Ana is arguing with A “Trump Apologist” on CNN:
For those of you under a certain age, *The Guns of Navarone was an outstanding action movie released back in 1961, starring Gregory Peck, David Niven, and Anthony Quinn. It’s one of my all-time favorites. To learn more, click here:
You will find The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary by clicking here:
by R. C. Danon | Feb 13, 2017 | Brokennews

Somebody lied? I can’t believe it! My White House doesn’t lie…
What’s a NeWerd?
NeWerd – A word or combination of several words or letters, written as one word, which describes a person, incident, or event, regardless of political affiliation, gender, nationality, or whatever.
With each new post on my blog, I will add a “NeWerd” or two, which may or may not have relevance to that particular blog. Whatever the case, it will have relevance to our world, at that time. If you don’t get it, just think of the word weird with the letter “i” removed. After all, Brokennews is about you and me and the world around us.
The NeWerd Dictionary will always be posted under link The Premise and above the link Recent Posts, wherever they might appear on your screen, depending on what device you are using at the time. So here we go with a few NeWerds...
Banbannon – Get rid of the crazy white guy! He’s the POTUS ventriloquist and he is really dangerous.Where are Ivanka and Jarred when we really need them?
Brokennews – An average Bob’s commentary about various aspects of the news, both good and bad, presented to us all-day, everyday. And although this Bob tends to gravitate to the Moderate-Liberal side of most issues, he is aware enough, and smart enough to differentiate between The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, when it’s shoved at us 24/7/365, by representatives of both sides of the various issues as well as by a news media that lacks the courage and or conviction to fight for the correct answer.
At the same time, does acknowledge that since this viper named Donald Trump has come on the Presidential scene, many in the press have been known to muster up more courage and conviction in their approach to the news, to their commentary, their questions, and most importantly, their quest for honest answers. If it can stay that way from here on out, we all benefit.
DeVos – DeVos rhymes with Da Boss, a.k.a. POTUS. And neither has the experience or “education” required to support the very important positions they individually hold. Which student will flunk or be sent packing first remains to be seen.
Falsehood – Plain and simple… This is a real word, and it needs to be here, because lies are such a major part of who Donald Trump is. And even he doesn’t seem to get it… A falsehood is a lie, so let’s call it a lie. As in President Trump is a liar. As in Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer lie for POTUS.
FlynnFlam – Just more BS from an Administration that seems to live by the lie. And a former three star General, who was Trump’s national security adviser who first lied about speaking with a top Russian diplomat several months ago, before The Trump was even elected, and now conveniently can’t remember exactly what that conversation was about.
WOW! What an Administration!! A House Full of Liars, a President with apparent Attention Deficit Disorder whose brain power is rated at 140 characters, who understands little more than three sentences at a time, and can’t seem to ever address any Presidential topic in depth or with any real understanding. And a national security advisor with little or no memory. Great, just great…
So, Flynn-be-gone… Who’s next, and who knew what and when? Let’s all remember where that so-called buck stops. So when will Don-boy be gone? It can’t happen soon enough!!
KellyanneCon(which)way? – A person who knowingly reinforces false truths. A con? A falsehood? An alternative fact? Maybe a lie? What does it all mean? Not to worry, it will be partly taken back 2-3 days later. (Come on Kellyanne, you’re better than this… Dump The Trump.)
McConnell19 – An elected official who is afraid of the truth.
NeWerd – A word or combination of several words or letters, written as one word, which describes a person, an incident, or event, regardless of political affiliation, gender, nationality, or whatever.
Overtalker – Any person who tries to “talk over” the voice of another person who is speaking, by statement, by question or by answer, as part of a conversation. For example, The Supremo-Interrupter is easily Chris Matthews of MSNBC. But there are others for sure: Ben Ferguson, Katrina Pierson, Scottie Nell Hughes, just to name a few, regardless of party affiliation.
Prejudent – The current (so-called) leader of the free world, who repeatedly, unjustly, unknowingly or knowingly, and without remorse, spreads hate through a preconceived opinion based on ignorance, and not based on reason or actual experience.
POTUS45 – Pea-brained, Oblivious, Thoughtless, Uncouth, Sociopathetic… Yes, that would be President Donald. J. Trump.
Session(s) – Time spent trying to convince others that the lie you are putting forth on behalf of your “so-called” employer our your life in general is the truth. And that the N-Word means “never mind.” Or it could mean, not so, not true, or never happened… again, as it relates to who you really are, and what you really believe… Or don’t want others to believe or know about you.
SNL – Truth through humor… A check and balance and one of the most honest and straightforward commentaries on the world around us. And although we may laugh, there is not always humor in the truth. So thank you Lorne Michaels and all, for your honesty…
Spicier – When its Melissa McCarthy, and clearly more honest. Then again, when Melissa is Sean, her boss is Lorne Michaels and not The Trump. And even satirized accountability is often truthful.
Teletrumpter – Like the Teleprompter, a device used in television and moviemaking to project a speaker’s script, out of sight of the audience. The Teletrumpter is somewhat similar to a teleprompter, except it is larger, with slower moving words, larger letters and various yellow light signals up and down the right and left sides of the screen, indicating when the reader might smile, laugh, look stern, puff a lip, pout, sniffle or cry. The top and bottom of the screen have red light reminders, alerting the speaker or reader, to speak calmly, try not to slobber or spit, don’t stray from the script and ad-lib, don’t be vile or disgusting, and most important… Try not to lie too much.
Trumpeld – Bullied, pushed around, threatened, or trampled.
Transbender – Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of which direction to lean or bend does not correspond with his or her stated preferences or history. A person who is a mismatch between who they are, and those they wish to mislead or sway to a different point of view.
Sociopathetic – I’m sorry, but I am perfect, and I’m never wrong. And the fact that you see things differently is just beyond (my) comprehension. So bug-off or I’ll tweet a criticism about you and how you are over-rated, and a so-called American of Mexican heritage. And by the way… You’re fired!
WashingtonDC – The District of Donald-Crap

Mike, what are you talking about? What about the 25th Amendment? (Jay Angerer/Getty Images)
The bottom line…
With some relevance to the “NeWerds” above, please consider the following: The first 3-4 weeks of the Trump Administration have been like nothing we’ve ever seen. Is it the beginning of the end? Probably not but we must pray that Don-boy doesn’t start exchanging threatening tweets with that young fella in North Korea. As for China and Russia, they’re flexing their muscles but both are smart enough to know that there will be no winners in any kind of war or major conflict. There is far more to be gained through working together in a civil manner, to maintain peace.
In addition…
Our “so-called” President is ignorant. He lacks the intelligence it takes to hold the office of President, and repeatedly shows it by his lack of interest in learning and gaining the “Intelligence” it takes to do his job knowingly. He not only doesn’t get it, but he seems to have no interest in getting it. His tweets about a department store that has dropped his daughter’s line of clothes or jewelry during, or minutes after, an Intelligence Briefing seem to highlight his probable Attention Deficit Disorder.
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming… There are continued references to a much deeper Trump-Russia connection than many in the GOP are willing to admit or explore. So I will reference the following link which will take you to a very recent Rachel Maddox commentary based on a well substantiated Washington Post Story. And if true, could and should lead to Trump and possibly Pence, both being bounced out of D.C. Click here.
All jokes and sarcasm aside… Yes there seems to be a good chance that President Trump knew about Russia’s involvement in many things which probably need to be investigated. What’s so terribly sad about this current President is that he doesn’t know or understand what he should know and understand about his job. Granted, he’s an outsider, with no experience regarding many issues of the day. But he is now Then President, and he really shows so very little intellect, understanding or interest in his job. He needs to understand it’s not about him. We can now only hope that his resignation will soon follow and that a brighter bulb will light the Oval Office.
I hope you’ll subscribe to the BrokenNews Blog below… When you do, you’ll get the latest news and updates from before they go on-line. But when you do, be sure and look for the email confirmation to be sent acknowledging your subscription. Thank you…
Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
This week’s NeWerd is… In the future you will find each week’s NeWerd right here.
And by clicking here you will be directed to The Brokennews NeWerd Dictionary
by R. C. Danon | Feb 6, 2017 | Brokennews

1963 Civil rights march on the National Mall (Photo: US National Archives)
Back in the day…
Two of these first three photos really were “Back in the day.” Back in my day… I’m quite sure I am older than many who read my blog. And that’s ok, for I am happy, healthy, and energized by the events of the day. And we all should be… For there is hope! But we all need to pull together and become more familiar with those events. And be assured that in doing so, its quite possible that you will have have a better understanding of many of those events, than our current President.
Now more than ever, its important to get involved. Find your niche! Maybe a demonstration, a march, a meeting, read a blog, a newspaper article, watch a TV show where opinions are expressed… Become more aware, and maybe even get involved. Help make a difference.
I hurt for my country… How about you?
So many people I know tell me they feel like their stomach is tied in knots. I get it. I feel the same way. Many local store owners are complaining their sales were off more than usual for a January. Of course, January is usually slow because people are paying bills from the previous two months. Tough winter weather can effect January sales, as well, but so far this year, at least in Chicago, the winter has been of very little consequence. So what’s going on?
1968 Vietnam War Protest, Grant Park, Chicago: (Source: Chicago Tribune)
January 21, 2017 Women’s March Chicago: (Source:
Prior to a Presidential election, businesses will often feel a slow period due to anxiety. I’ve experienced it myself and it has happened during more elections than I care to remember. But at times its not so bad when a president is re-elected- Reagan, Clinton, “W” and Obama. But this last election and the past three weeks are taking a toll.
Many people are feeling stressed, worried and uncertain. What The Trump and his ventriloquist Bannon are pulling off is beyond belief. This thin-skinned, sociopathic, dolt doesn’t have a clue. He worries about the size of the crowds at this swearing in. He tries to BS with talk of voter fraud. The first words out of his slobbering mouth at the National Prayer Breakfast are about how Arnold is not doing well on the Apprentice. And let us not forget incompetent and inexperienced Cabinet nominations, “The Ban,” and making it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns. Give me a break!!

Look, I signed my name… (Photo:
I guarantee you that in the photo above, where he once again is showing off his signature, he has again signed his name to “changes,” he knows little if anything about. For this president, 140 characters are the limit, three sentences at best. So when The Trump criticizes a “so-called” judge, my money is on that judge, and not on our “so-called”, difficult to call, President. He is an embarrassment at best… To himself, his family, his party, and most definitely, our country.
The bottom line…
We need a common voice… That voice will need a face. We need a leader who can speak for the national movement(s) to get rid of this President… And he will be gone.
That leader should not be Bernie, nor Elizabeth Warren. They and others like them, who hold office, locally or nationally can do more good working from the inside. No it needs to be somewhat of a political outsider, who understands the inner workings of our government. I’m also of the opinion that it should probably be a woman, or a woman and a man team, of equal strength, drive, and knowledge. She or they should probably be in their 40’s with a background of major accomplishments and the courage to not fold when Mitch McConnell and others in the GOP, who know how to fight for what they want, go after them.
When I think about my “back in the day…” I think of Chicago and the 1968 Democratic Convention, and demonstrating in Grant Park. I think of the Chicago 7, and its members Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Rennie Davis, Pat Hayden, and others, who helped bring attention to an un-wanted and corrupt war. In the end, Johnson was gone, Nixon was gone, the war ended and 55,000 American men and women lost their lives for a war created with a lie called the Gulf of Tonkin. Gee, “a war created with a lie,” sound familiar?
We need leadership…
The Women’s March, Black Lives Matter, Indivisible, a.k.a. Dump The Trump, should become one movement with numbers and strength not seen since the 1960’s and early 1970’s. We must now go find the leadership to help pull it all together before we find ourselves in a bigger and more serious military confrontation… and especially before we find our inalienable rights Trumped away.
Bill Maher has been known to say, “Democrats should stop bringing a knife to a gun fight.” It’s true. The GOP knows how to fight the Democrats. Unfortunately, they didn’t know how to fight with Trump. And now we all suffer because of it. And my gut tells me that VP Pence, Speaker Ryan, Majority Leader McConnell and many, many others can’t wait to get rid of our “so-called” President. I’d even bet they have a plan in the works, which could include impeachment, or some sort of forced resignation. Read the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution and think about the possibilities. I’m sure a few in the GOP have done just that. Click here…
A voice? A face? Who knows? Get involved… Maybe it’s you.
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Peace. I am Bob Danon, and integrity does matter.
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